Every time I type ‘apron’ it comes out as aprong. I am not sure why, but it may mean that I need to stop making aprons.
I finally finished my Flapper apron. I have been using the Church Ladies apron I made awhile ago, though it is not perfect. I don’t like the interfacing in the handles, because it makes them hard to tie. I also don’t like the construction.
I made a Flapper apron for myself awhile ago. The neckline was too long and gaped, so I didn’t like it for myself. It was the one I put in the Fair last year and was well sewn. It couldn’t compete against the tailored blazer in the same category (ERGH!!!), but I still did my best. I never wore it so I sent it off to a friend who admired it. Why not? She loves it.
I adjusted the pattern a little bit on this newest version and the neckline is much better. Not as long, so it doesn’t gape.

When I put the pockets on, I was pleased to see that I had matched up one of the Chrysanthemums! I didn’t do it on purpose, but am so pleased. I know the pocket blends into the fabric, so enlarge the photo to see my triumph. 🙂
I haven’t tried it out, but will soon.