I made some progress last week on La Passacaglia M4 after awhile of not feeling like I made progress.
Rosettes 6 & 7 are the focus of Month 4, though I am a bit confused, because Month 3 mentions Rosettes 6 & 7 and they are completely different rosettes. I’ll have to clarify.I’ll take a look at the pattern, too, and see if I can tell.

I combined the center of the top (in the photo) rosette to use that piece of Joel Dewberry fabric.
I thought of using the zebra fabric as the center per the pattern, and even cut it out. In the end, I just didn’t want animal faces looking at me from my quilt, so I tried out the technique of combining paper pieces into one shape. I didn’t get the spacing quite right, so there are places the points don’t meet. I know I will have some leeway when I take out the papers. Also, in the grand scheme, some small technical problems won’t be seen.

These are all parts of rosettes as they will be sewn to other pieces and look at thought the rest of them are under other rosettes.
I am pleased to be trying something new. I really thought I knew all there was to know about English paper piecing. I am finding it is much more than wrapping fabric around paper and sewing the pieces together.