While this is the first Large Retreat Bag I have made, it is the third Retreat bag I have constructed (total). This is a free pattern from Emmaline Bags that requires a frame. The frame is not free, but also not very expensive. The frame allows it to open all the way (widemouth), providing easy access to all of the contents.
I like this bag, but the Large size is LARGE. I am not sure what I would use this size for so I don’t know that I will make a large one again, though I have another frame, so I might.

The pattern doesn’t call for it, but I put in an interior zipper pocket. Tim thought up the idea of an interior pocket to use to turn the bag. This means I (we) can turn the bag without leaving the bottom seam open. Yes, the bottom of the interior zipper pocket is left open, but it is much more hidden than the bottom.
It has been awhile since I made an interior zipper pocket (also called a flush pocket), so I screwed up a few times on the first one. I definitely didn’t remember how to do it at all and had to get Tim to remind me which resources he used. I did find a couple of tutorials, but they were lacking.
The most helpful tutorial was Sara Lawson’s video (of Sew Sweetness), which is the one Tim uses. I started out using the directions in the book, the Bag Making Bible** by Lisa Lam. The part after the zipper installation are a little skimpy, so the video filled in the gap.
I made two of these bags over the weekend and the second zipper went much more smoothly. Now I have a couple of gifts ready for the holidays. As a result, check back to see the whole bags.
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