I was over at Tim’s house sewing the other day and he commented that I do like my complicated bags. It’s true!

I saw an Inside Outside Pouch in the La Pass group made with the dripping rose fabric and I really liked it. I have been wanting to make one for ages, but haven’t had (or maybe made) the time. The Inside Outside Pouch is a stand-alone Aneela Hoey pattern. You might remember that I made one before. It has a lot of zippers.
The issue isn’t really the sewing. It is the cutting out. No matter how hard I try I do not want to spend time at home cutting out fabric. It’s really stupid, I know; I just can’t seem to get over not wanting to spend any of a long stretch of sewing time cutting.
I went over to Tim’s the other day and took stuff to cut out there. That’s where I cut out the fabrics for two Inside Outside Pouches. It seems to go so fast when I am with him. I guess we chat and laugh and the time seems to fly by.
I came home and sewed and made a good start. I am partway through the exterior. It is much easier the second time around.