I realize that most of these are black or light grey. This is a result of working through my black, grey and brown scrap bin.
Unfortunately, I was being odd when I first started naming these blocks and so they are all called Dark Grey…. I will probably end up making, at least, two quilts out of the blocks you see. I think I will make a light grey and a black quilt, but it depends on how much light grey I have. The drawer was full when I started and I still have quite a few scraps, though most of the straight strips have been used.
I was able to make so many because I used a strip piecing method and just zoomed them through the machine. I also didn’t have to worry about matching any seams since I trimmed them to the right size once I had a large enough piece.
Dark grey strip donation block #18
Dark grey strip donation block #19
Dark grey strip donation block #20
Dark grey strip donation block #21
Dark grey strip donation block #22
Dark grey strip donation block #23
Dark grey strip donation block #24
Dark grey strip donation block #25
Dark grey strip donation block #26
Dark grey strip donation block #27
Dark grey strip donation block #28
Dark grey strip donation block #29
Dark grey strip donation block #30
Dark grey strip donation block #31
Dark grey strip donation block #32
Dark grey strip donation block #33
Dark grey strip donation block #34
Dark grey strip donation block #35
Dark grey strip donation block #36
Dark grey strip donation block #37
Dark grey strip donation block #38
Dark grey strip donation block #39
Dark grey strip donation block #40
Dark grey strip donation block #41
Dark grey strip donation block #42
Dark grey strip donation block #43
Dark grey strip donation block #44
Dark grey strip donation block #45
Dark grey strip donation block #46
Dark grey strip donation block #50
Dark grey strip donation block #47
Dark grey strip donation block #48
Dark grey strip donation block #49
Dark grey strip donation block #51
Dark grey strip donation block #52
Dark grey strip donation block #53
Dark grey strip donation block #54
Brown strip donation block #1
Brown strip donation block #2
Brown strip donation block #3
Brown strip donation block #3
Brown strip donation block #4
Brown strip donation block #5
Dark grey strip donation block #55
Dark grey strip donation block #56
Dark grey strip donation block #57
Dark grey strip donation block #58
Brown strip donation block #6
Black & white striped donation block
Dark grey strip donation block #59
Dark grey strip donation block #60
Brown strip donation block #7
Dark grey strip donation block #61
Dark grey strip donation block #62
Dark grey strip donation block #63
Dark grey strip donation block #64
Dark grey strip donation block #65
Yellow dot donation block
Dark grey color strip donation block #66
Dark grey color strip donation block #67
Dark grey color strip donation block #68
Dark grey color strip donation block #69
Dark grey color strip donation block #71
Dark grey color strip donation block #72
Dark grey color strip donation block #73
Dark grey color strip donation block #74
Dark grey color strip donation block #75
Dark grey color strip donation block #76
Dark grey color strip donation block #77
Dark grey color strip donation block #70
Dark grey color strip donation block #78
Dark grey color strip donation block #79
Dark grey color strip donation block #80
Dark grey color strip donation block #81
Dark grey color strip donation block #82
Dark grey color strip donation block #83
Dark grey color strip donation block #84
Dark grey color strip donation block #85
Dark grey color strip donation block #86
Dark grey color strip donation block #87
Brown strip donation block #8
Brown strip donation block #9
Dark grey color strip donation block #88
Dark grey color strip donation block #89
Dark grey color strip donation block #90
Dark grey color strip donation block #91
Pink 16 patch donation block