This is the Kit Supply Tote I made for Sue. As I said in the previous post about Carrie’s version, this one has a color wheel on the front.
Sue was the first one to open her gifts. Since the bags were the same and the small gifts were the same, it might have ruined the surprise for Carrie. They were both very good about it.

One of the things I like about this bag is the way the bottom comes together. I can’t use vinyl or pleather for the bottom, because the side pieces become the bottom, but the bottom comes together so nicely.
This means the stitching looks good. I didn’t match the design of the fabric as I wanted to make sure the paint chips and color wheel were prominently displayed on the sides where people could actually see them.

I am thrilled that the corner came out so well. I am going to try some Odicoat on the bottom of mine to protect it. I told them I would let them know how it went. I plan to paint it on theirs if it works out. If it ruin my Kit Supply Tote, I can always make another one.
Carrie and Sue both liked the turquoise handles. I was afraid they would be too glittery for them.
I made a couple of fabric gift bags to put them in so they looked a bit festive. I forgot to take a photo.