Goals for Tomorrow

I want to have clear goals for tomorrow, November 22, so I get stuff done. Not only do I need to sew, but I need to get some projects moved to the next step. I know with Thanksgiving coming the next several days will be taken up by cooking and prep.

  1. Make back for Improv quilt
  2. Rhonda’s IRR piece
  3. Cut pieces for Flying Geese swap
  4. Make tracing paper patterns for Pink Chalk Notetaker pattern

We’ll see.

Book Review: Make It, Take It

Make It, Take It
Make It, Take It

Make It, Take It: 16 Cute and Clever Projects to Sew with Friends by Krista Hennebury
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Julie and I were together at the Granary when we saw this book. It has appealing projects on the cover and I looked through it. It is a project book with no how-to directions and no index, but with a long introduction.

I was confused as I started to read the introduction (pg.7-10) because the author talks about quilting/sewing retreats and her retreat business. She eventually gets past the bliss of retreats and sewing in those settings and begins describing the projects.

The project are organized into “Getting Equipment There Safely” and “Sew When You Get There.” This is an interesting way of organizing the book, but it feels like something is missing. I always have plenty of projects on which to work on retreat, but I guess it is good to inspire people.

There are some interesting projects in this book, which all seem to be designed by different people. My favorites are: Ultimate Equipment Tote (pg.12-20), the Big Mouth Thread Catcher (pg.21-25) for gifts and the Big and Little Patchwork Totes (pg.32-39). The fabric really makes those interesting, as you can see on the cover.

The Half Moon Needlecase (pg.48-54) appeals to me. It might make my needles more accessible than my current needlecase, however, it wouldn’t in my handwork kit. I also think the fabrics used make the project appealing.

I probably wouldn’t use the Selvage Cutting Mat (pg.60-65) myself, but it would be a good gift.

I like the idea of the woven placemats (pg. 80-85), however I would probably sew squares together and avoid the top stitching. If I had a round table. If I used placemats. They are cheerful and I like the look.

The pattern directions seem to be pretty extensive for a book, judging from the number of pages devoted to each pattern. I haven’t made any of the projects, so I can’t comment on the clarity or accuracy of the patterns.

The quilting on the quilts towards the back of the book is pretty amazing. I like the distinct motifs on the Orange Grove Quilt (pg.92-97), which you can see well on pg. 97. The quilting is thoughtful and not just an all over pattern to get the quilt done.

Throughout the book are tips and tricks. There is much about inspiration for the projects.

One of the appealing aspects of this book is the color and fabric use. There are good projects, as mentioned, but few of them are super unique. The book ends with some resources, short bios of the contributors and a page called About the Author.

I like this book. The pictures are appealing and there are enough interesting projects to make this worth the purchase.

Corrections are available at the Martingale site.

View all my reviews

Creative Prompt #338: Riverbank

Riverbank, Calif

Riverbank Unified School District

Riverbank Galaxy Theatres

The Riverbank Cheese & Wine Exposition is a street festival for the whole family.

Riverbank State Park, New York, NY.

Riverbank Farm

Riverbank Chamber of Commerce

Tales of the Riverbank tells the story of three friends – Hammy Hamster, Roderick Rat and GP the Guinea Pig(2008)

Riverbank Attributed to Dong Yuan (Chinese, active 930s–60s) Hanging scroll; ink and slight color on silk; Image: 86 3/4 x 43 in. (220.3 x 109.2 cm) Ex coll. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

River Bank by Brad Paisley

Definition: “the ground at the edge of a river” (Merriam-Webster)

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #CPP

More Christmas Pillowcases

Red Lights Pillowcases
Red Lights Pillowcases

I was concerned about the extra fabric I bought for Christmas pillowcases. I decided to make two pillowcases for two additional gifts. Can’t tell you for whom they are intended, but I’ll tell you later.

The cuff colors were hard, again, and not an exact match to the colors in the main fabric, but they mimic the hues in the fabric.

I worry about the solids being too much, but I made a decision and I am sticking to it. The colors for Christmas are definitely unconventional, but I think they work and don’t scream Christmas.

Slow Donation Blocks

November Donation Blocks
November Donation Blocks

Remember the lack of sewing I talked about? Part of the effect was that I didn’t have time to make more donation blocks.

As I mentioned I ran out of the cream and green fabric, so I started cutting some backgrounds from scraps. These blocks are much more diverse in the background department. I think they are also a little brighter.

Every little bit helps so I don’t feel bad about only finishing three more blocks. I just wish I had more time to make more. I may get a few more done before the meeting on Saturday.

Carpenter’s Wheel #4

Carpenter's Wheel #4
Carpenter’s Wheel #4

The 4th Carpenter’s Wheel block sat on my wall for over week. I didn’t really have a lot of time in the past little while to sew, which is hard. I made an effort one evening to get the block done. I had pecked away it, so I didn’t have to sew all the pieces, but there were about 40 pieces to sew, so it was a bit of work.

I tried to add in some different fabrics from the others. I want this piece, whatever it turns out to be, very scrappy.

This block is 16.5″ and has, if I counted right, 77 pieces.

4 Carpenter's Wheel Blocks
4 Carpenter’s Wheel Blocks

Making the 4th one means that I have reached my original goal. the problem is that I also thought of another variation. Sigh. We’ll see what happens.

FOTY 2015 – More Patches

FOTY Patches November 2015
FOTY Patches November 2015

I mentioned cutting some pieces for the EPP. When I cut those pieces I also cut patches for the FOTY 2015. This group is, thus, really heavy on the colored dots on white.

I’ll need more colored dots on white for the EPP project so you’ll see more of these types of fabrics.

My DH actually ironed pants when I wasn’t home and messed up a bunch of my fabric. I had to re-iron some of my pieces. I decided I needed to get busy and cut and file some of those fabrics. Thus, I have also been working through cutting the fabrics from my ironing board.

More EPP

Half Hexies EPP Section - November 2015
Half Hexies EPP Section – November 2015

I have been working on the EPP project while watching TV instead of sewing the sleeve on to FOTY 2014.

A week or so ago, I was in desperate need of some dots on white, so I spent quite a bit of time cutting fabrics to make some stars for the alternate rows. I can’t reap the rewards without papers.

Mostly I have been making stars, but I needed to free up some of the EPP papers so I sewed a section together and will sew it to the main piece next. Once I sew the section shown to the main piece, I can pull out some of the papers. yes, I could buy more, but it seems ridiculous to do so until the papers I have fall apart. I could make more papers from the subscription cards in magazines, but I am too lazy.

I don’t like doing this. I wanted to make all the stars and then sew them all together. I know there were some times where I just couldn’t help myself and sewing sections together is sensible, but still.


Flying Geese Swap Report and Update

Flying Geese Exchange - November 2015
Flying Geese Exchange – November 2015

I have another batch of Flying Geese blocks to show. In light of my post on inspiration for this project, I also spent some time on Pinterest looking at Flying Geese quilts. I finally feel ready to start thinking about a layout. I am not sure I want to sew a quilt, but looking at designs is finally fun.

This group of blocks looks much more Autumn-ish than previous groups.

Creative Prompt #336: South

South Seas

Southern Hemisphere

South Bay Quilter’s Guild

South by Southwest

South Arts is a regional arts organization which provides grants, programs and services to artists and arts organizations in the southern United States.

South Island Cultural District

South San Francisco

South: The story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914 – 1917

North and South by John Jakes

Deep South

The Edible South by Marcie Cohen

Festival South

South Shore, Lake Tahoe

Rock the South

Definition: “South is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. It is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. South is the polar opposite of north and is perpendicular to east and west.” (Wikipedia)

South is a tool to provide consistent, easy-to-use and database-agnostic migrations for Django applications.

South Africa

South Valley Quilt Association

The South

South Carolina

T.R.U.S.T. South LA, Community Health Councils

South Coast Plaza

South Bay

South Korea

Twelve South creates beautifully designed accessories exclusively for Apple computers.

South Mountains State Park, North Carolina

PAX South

Empire State South takes a modern approach to creating authentic Southern dishes,

South Station is Boston’s Largest Transit Hub.

South Pole

South China Sea

South Street Seaport for Food, Music, Outdoor Movies, Open Bars & Shopping.

South Beach Diet

South Padre Island

South Sudan

South Park

South Dakota

Associated Colleges of the South

Old South Church

The countdown has begun. Only 29 more CPP posts left.

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #CPP

Book Review: The Little Spark

The Little Spark 30 Ways to Ignite Your CreativityThe Little Spark 30 Ways to Ignite Your Creativity by Carrie Bloomston

One of the things I try and do with the creative prompt project is to help you spark your creativity. A regular habit really encourages the creative person to continue. I was intrigued to see what Carrie Bloomston thought on the subject when I saw her book.

The book starts out by saying that it is an interactive workbook. When I write reviews, I read the whole book straight through and it was hard to stick to that practice with this book. The book contains 30 ‘sparks’, which are exercises to ignite, inspire, encourage your creativity. The book gives options for doing those exercises, but does not demand a certain way of doing them. Do one a day, one a month or dip in and out.

The author’s definition of living a creative life is a definition I enjoy. She writes “It is a way of living life with curiosity and openness. It means thinking from your heart, thinking for yourself, and thinking outside of the box.” It is actually definition that I am also a little afraid of. She tells the reader right upfront that we will be getting out of our comfort zone.

The Introduction is a kind of call to arms. Bloomston talks about the earliest examples of people making things and of many different ways people have expressed themselves through the ages. Then she says …”your desire to make things is bigger than you.” That line startled me, because I often think about why I feel such a strong need to make quilts and sew things. Yes, to use up fabric. Yes, to try something new, but there is something even deeper that demands I have something soft yet colorful in my hands on which to work. I suspect is has to do with a life not being forgotten.

The first spark confirms that we will be getting out of our comfort zone. Spark 1 has the old creative adage: just start and goes on to explain how starting is hard. We have all heard it before, but it doesn’t make it any less true and the beginning is a good place to start.

The general format of the chapters (sparks) is to introduce the spark, provide directions for the exercise and then provide tips. The tips for getting started are things like don’t hoard materials, do some warm-ups (creative prompt project anyone??) and take baby steps. All of these are sensible and we have heard them before. Still gathering all of these pearls of wisdom into one book is handy.

The sparks are all different and many are things I didn’t think of in this context. Space, classes, messes, permission, grace, rule-breaking, time and many other things are all covered. Yes, I have heard of some, but some were surprising, if completely reasonable to me. The author also does not whitewash this process and talks about issues such as “The Crazies” and self-doubt.

The book just ends after the 30th spark. No sad farewell, drama or an index. The book just ends, which I think is appropriate, because if you have done the book right, then you will be off on a new journey.

I like the layout, colors and photos used in this book. I think it will work well for those of you concerned about creativity and encouraging it in yourself.

View all my reviews

Sketching #219

Creative Prompt Response #219: Bow
Creative Prompt Response #219: Bow

Here is another Blast from the Past! I decided since posting seems to be a problem this week that I would post a #CPP Response and try, once again, to encourage you to take five minutes for creativity.

I was also thinking that my routine for doing these prompts has been interrupted now that the YM is off at college. I’ll have to see about rearranging my schedule to find a comfortable time to do the responses.

Will you do a response? The original prompt can still be found and is waiting for you!

Tuleberg Quilt Show

Mom used to make the 80+ mile trek to my house every week to see us, cook us dinner, buy clothes and stuff for the YM and visit. Since the YM left for college, she isn’t making the drive (it is pretty grueling) and we don’t see each other as much. 🙁 We have plans to meet halfway for lunch or other things, but we have both been so busy lately that it hasn’t happened. When she mentioned that her guild was having a quilt show, I decided to trek out to the boonies and visit the show with her. Short version: we had a great time!

Friendly Quilt Ladies: Dessie & Faye
Friendly Quilt Ladies: Dessie & Faye

She lives an hour and a half plus a bridge away. Even though she made the trek once a week for YEARS, it seems super far to me. I was really glad I went. First and foremost, mom was really, REALLY happy. Second, the people were so friendly and genuinely pleased to meet me. They also appeared really like my mom. These ladies are like the BAMQGers! Their positive demeanor made me have a much better time. Third, the quilts were great. Yes, the show was small, but there was some very good work. Fourth, I got to see Colleen and actually talk to her (at PIQF I just did a drive by as her booth was mobbed and I had an Opportunity Quilt booth shift to man). Finally, the attention to detail in all aspects of the show was superb.

Partway through my drive, mom called and asked me to pick her up, so I stopped by the house to get her and see the Big Guy and my dog-sister. We gathered up all of her stuff and headed out.

The quilt show was housed in an old Mazda dealership building. The lighting was a little tough, but they rented the building for about 10% of what the guild paid the Scottish Rite Temple last time. Great deal and people couldn’t help passing by cars on the way in and out of the show. There seemed to be a sales guy stationed near the entrance greeting, not bothering, quilt show attendees at they came and went. Interesting marketing strategy!

We had to park a little way away, but we got some steps in. The first thing we did at the show was walk around the outside edge of show to get a feel for the size and extent of the show. The vendors were stationed along the outside of the building and the quilts were in the middle.

After checking out the lay of the land, we started looking at the quilts. This guild likes to applique’ and likes to get inspiration from patterns and books. The work is, generally, of very high quality. Many of them machine quilt or long arm their quilts. I don’t remember seeing any handquilted quilts.

The theme of the show was Quilt of All Seasons and the show was arranged by season. This seemed to be that quilts of certain colors or themes were hung near each other. It was a clever arrangement.

by Alice Cox
by Alice Cox

One of the quilts we saw in the first row, with the guild challenge quilts, was a summer themed quilt. I am not much of  a fan of watermelon (never tastes like much and all those seeds!), but I loved the watermelon quilt. I liked the octagon shapes in the middle. I also liked the shape of the watermelon blocks and the way the appliqued rickrack made the eye move around the quilt. I also thought one block could be used and, with a border, made into placemats for a lovely summer table. Three or so could be a table runner.

by Dorian Berg
by Dorian Berg

I saw a spiderweb that was really interesting. The maker said that her inspiration was from Kathy Doughty of Material Obsessions fame. Mom was having a hard time imagining that this quilt was the same pattern as my Spiderweb. I pulled up a photo of my spiderweb and showed her and then pointed out the block structure and she could see it.

The lighting was a little tricky, so this quilt was a tad brighter than it looks in my photo. In looking at this quilt, I really thought it looks like Millefiori glass. If you zoom in on the photo you can see some really interesting and clever use of stripes towards the center of the webs. I have said it before, but I really love the way you can use the same block and never make the same quilt twice. I think people could be given the same fabric and pattern and not make the same quilt.

by Carole Price
by Carole Price

My favorite quilt was a summer themed applique quilt. They didn’t have names on the attached cards, so I don’t know if the maker gave it a different name. It is a pattern from Cherry Blossoms Quilt Studio called Sunday Ride. Do you love that bike? I want a bike like that! I am a little embarrassed that it was my favorite. I do love applique’ quilts, though and this one was so bright and cheerful. I really liked the predominant turquoises (no big surprise!). I also think the maker may have used American Made Brands solids as those fabrics glowed within the quilt. The grey and white border was fantastic as well. Really a good solution. I was so impressed with the needle-turn applique’. It looks amazing. I would love to do needle-turn but even after a class with the magnificent Elly Sienkiewicz, needle-turn is not my strength. Finally, whoever did the quilting was a master. She (he??) did a perfect job matching the quilting motifs to the areas of the quilt.

Mom demoing
Mom demoing

I mentioned “all her stuff” above. Mom agreed to present a demo on the Exploding Star block. She had tools and supplies and step-out samples. After retrieving her stuff from the car, we headed over to the demo area at 2:30 and set up the area. I meant to take a photo of the whole setup, but only took a picture of mom. She did great job showing people how to make the Exploding Star. She was extremely patient and didn’t mind explaining over and over. She originally saw a YouTube tutorial for this block from Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company, if you want to take a look.

I restrained myself and didn’t buy much: a few pieces of fabric, some SoftFuse and some chocolate. Cello Chocolates had a booth there and we engaged in an extensive tasting session. I couldn’t resist a few bars.

Tuleberg Quilt Show purchases
Tuleberg Quilt Show purchases

Yes, I bought a few pieces of fabric. I love those American Made Brands solids. When business picks up I am going to order a bunch of half yards from Colleen. I also needed another peacock panel to put on the back of my nearly in process Peacock quilt.

FOTY 2015 – mid-November

FOTY 2015 - mid-November
FOTY 2015 – mid-November

I have been making an effort to cut up fabric I have washed and ironed, so I have another batch to show you.

Some of these are from projects. The black/white print in the middle is from a skirt I had made. The black/white print with the Caesar busts was included in the Red & Black Improv quilt.

Some of the colored fabrics are from the Carpenter’s Wheel quilt blocks.

The rest are new.

When I was fixing the photo above for posting, I realized that I could put the quilt together with the rectangles arranged in a horizontal manner. What do you think?

FOTY 2015 - mid-November
FOTY 2015 – mid-November

Blast from the Past

Crazy top
Crazy top

I was rummaging through my backing fabrics to find backing for the Red & Black Improv quilt. I was surprised to find a small top tucked in between the fabrics. I don’t remember making it at all. It had to be some kind of experiment that I made in the late 1990s.

It is rectangular and needs more work. I don’t think I want to work on it, but it is a good and cheerful. I think I will donate it to the BAMQG charity project.

I am kind of shocked that I found this top where I did. It is so strange that I don’t remember it as well.

It does remind me that I used to experiment quite a bit. Perhaps I should work on that again.