I have been working on the EPP project while watching TV instead of sewing the sleeve on to FOTY 2014.
A week or so ago, I was in desperate need of some dots on white, so I spent quite a bit of time cutting fabrics to make some stars for the alternate rows. I can’t reap the rewards without papers.
Mostly I have been making stars, but I needed to free up some of the EPP papers so I sewed a section together and will sew it to the main piece next. Once I sew the section shown to the main piece, I can pull out some of the papers. yes, I could buy more, but it seems ridiculous to do so until the papers I have fall apart. I could make more papers from the subscription cards in magazines, but I am too lazy.
I don’t like doing this. I wanted to make all the stars and then sew them all together. I know there were some times where I just couldn’t help myself and sewing sections together is sensible, but still.
I agree with you about using the papers til they fall apart, BUT…. I made extra papers from subscription cards when I was making the 1930s hexies project, and I found that between inaccuracy in drawing the shape and inaccuracy in cutting them, the hand cut papers were sometimes a problem. Drawing around a hexagon piecing paper added a teeny tiny amount to the size of the paper, but the effect was magnified because it was a teeny tiny amount added to all sides of the shape. It would have been fine if I had made all of the papers that way, but mixing the hand cut papers with the die cut ones didn’t work. I had to throw out half of the hand cut papers because the patches ended up too large, and ended up buying extra die cut ones. It was worth it to me to pay for an extra pack of papers, but of course, YMMV!
I totally agree! I have no interest in adding another task to my mile long to do list and your experience makes me more sure of that decision. I am tempted to buy more, but will reuse for now.