Creative Prompt #303: Hook

Hook – 1991 movie

fish hook

Off the hook

Redhook Brewery

Gravity Hook by Adam Atomic + Danny Baranowsky

Action Hooks allow you to add your own code to WHMCS that runs when specific events or actions occur inside the system.

hook & eye

Hook partners with leading advertising agencies to design and develop spectacular interactive ad content for desktops and mobile devices.

Git Hooks. Like many other Version Control Systems, Git has a way to fire off custom scripts when certain important actions occur.

crochet hook

Hook Mobile SMS API provides cost effective messaging solution for user acquisition.

button hook

Hooks allow custom code to be executed when some defined event (such as saving a page or a user logging in) occurs.

Hook & Ladder truck

Nick Hook (Soundcloud)

grappling hook

Hook Definition
Hook Definition

Redmine supports the concept of Hooks. It is an API to allow external code to extend the core Redmine functionality in a clean way.

coat hook

ook & Loop team members have created bestselling apps for iOS, visual effects for Hollywood films, ecommerce sites for fashion powerhouses, comic books, etc

Red Hook Recreation Center

bad left hook (boxing)


Captain Hook

At hook’s cheese company, Tony and Julie Hook have been making Wisconsin cheese for over 35 years.

A hook is a mechanism by which an application can intercept events, such as messages, mouse actions, and keystrokes.

Dragonclaw Hook

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Box Full of Letters

I heard a Wilco song recently called Box Full of Letters and thought that would be a better name for my version of the Missouri Star Quilt Company pattern, Love Notes. Love Notes is a nice name for a cutesy quilt, but I didn’t want to make a cute Valentine’s Day quilt. I just wanted to try out the pattern and see how it worked.

Triangle Squares - preparing for blocks
Triangle Squares – preparing for blocks

I have been sewing the squares and cutting them into half square triangles. I have used the Kiss Kiss charm squares that Torie gave me, but am also adding other fabrics that work well with that charm pack. The stacks in the photo will make about 20 blocks. I found a few more that had fallen down on top of the Stepping Stones fabrics.

Potential blocks
Potential blocks

There is quite a lot of red in these blocks and I need to add some other colors to the group, but first, I am going to sew these blocks together and see what I have. The blue solid background may make it less sweet. There is a fabric with a black background and pink dots (I think) of which I would like more. The bottom line is that I need to see how the blocks look. I haven’t sewn any blocks yet, but stay tuned for that.

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Sadly when quilt shows are put up they cannot stay up forever.

I happened to still be at the Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association quilt show when it closed on the 15th. I stayed around and helped to wrangle the BAMQG quilts that were coming down. I thought we would be able to help with other quilts, but we kind of had to guard the BAMQG quilts. Helpful people kept coming by and trying to take away our quilts and put them with the other quilts to be picked up.

Taking Down the Show
Taking Down the Show

While we were on guard duty, we took down the opportunity quilt, put the stand in its fancy bag, rolled up the BAMQG banner and put away the display quilts.

BAMQG Opportunity Quilt
BAMQG Opportunity Quilt

The opportunity quilt* is beautiful and very unusual. Ruth designed it and Marci quilted it. The photo is just a cell phone photo and doesn’t really do it justice. As mentioned, many of us made blocks and a bunch of us bound it. It was truly a group effort.

I was pleased to be able to help out at the show. I don’t think I had taken down a quilt show before.
















*tickets have to be bought at a show. Email me if you want to discuss getting one.

Libraries and Peacocks

I had to go deposit some checks the other day. Since I was walking I stopped by the library and borrowed the One Block Wonders book. I started reading it before I went to bed the other night and I am less sure about the project.

Majestic Beauties Peacocks Panel
Majestic Beauties Peacocks Panel

First, the original panel I was thinking of using probably won’t work, because it has too much white in the background. I found the fabric on the site called Melinda’s Fabric Shop. I never used that shop before and they have quite a bit of variety as well as a good layout on their pages.

Since the site had related prints right on the screen showing the panels, I looked through the other prints in the line and there are some others that might work for this project. I like the squares print that looks like tile (Wilmington Majestic Beauties Tiles, #F6898), but that print, according to the book might also not work because there is not enough variety in the colors and shapes.

Peacocks fabric
Peacocks fabric

I kept looking and found another print with the peacocks that has more variety in the design and not as much white in the background. It also incorporates some single feathers and the tile. The heads of the birds are a smaller part of the design, which is also kind of a relief, because I really don’t want heads in many, if any, quilts that I make.

The concern I have with this print is the size of the repeat. I can’t tell from the website so I sent them a message. The book says that there will be too many duplicates if the repeat is too small.

I still haven’t looked through my large pieces of Philip Jacobs fabric, but need to do that before I go out and buy more fabric.

I was pretty excited seeing Pam’s version, but as I read the book, I am less excited. I am not thrilled about sewing more hexagons together either. Been there done that.  The whole project just seems a lot less interesting after reading the book. Perhaps that is what I felt when the book first came out.

Design Wall Monday

Design Wall 3-22-2015
Design Wall 3-22-2015

I haven’t done a post like this in a long time. A long time is about a month and a half. i wonder if it looks much different from my last post? You tell me.

  1. Hot four patches. I want to make some kind of four patch quilt out of hot colors. This is a long term project that I am thinking about. It just came to the fore recently.
  2. Love Notes quilt: this is a Missouri Star Quilt Company pattern. Someone told me it was boring, but I decided to make it anyway. I object to the bias edges, but there is something about it that I like. Perhaps the envelopes making people think of writing. I am not going to call it Love Notes. Look for a more comprehensive post later.
  3. Red & turquoise four patches.
  4. FOTY 2014 Patches: I have decided that this is the last batch of the FOTY 2014 patches.
  5. Sampler quilt basket block in progress. I haven’t done more about the tutorial, but, see Frances, it is in process.
  6. Red & turquoise four patches in progress.
  7. Flying Geese project: TFQ and I are exchanging Flying Geese and these are the ones I have made and received so far.
  8. Folded paper star: I made this with a friend and really wish I could remember how to make it. If you know, let me know. Each leg is made from a square piece of paper.
  9. My birthday card from the Crafty Garden Mom.
  10. Four Stepping Stones blocks. I have a stack of fabric and various parts of blocks, but I haven’t made any new ones yet. No room on the design wall for another project.

I am linking up with Judy Laquidera at the Patchwork Times.

Some EPP Progress

I finally took a little time to finish the larger piece. 


I had sewn two sides of the yellow and red star segment onto the larger piece, but I hadn’t finished sewing the rest of the sides of the two piece segment onto the larger piece.

The folded over bits waiting to be sewn finally started to bug me. I took some time on Friday night to stitch the last remaining sides.

Peacocks and Quilt Projects

I have been thinking about birds on and off for the past couple of weeks. I watch birds out my window when I eat breakfast and there are a few different ones that like to eat the berries on a bush in my yard. I have been drawing wings and little fat birds in my journal. In the past few days I have specifically been thinking of peacocks. I do not actually like peacocks IRL very much. There are peacocks that stroll around our local zoo screeching and making a big mess. I do like to look at them in art, though.

Macaw Feathers by Michael Fitzsimmons
Macaw Feathers by Michael Fitzsimmons

I have been thinking about peacocks because of Pam and the One Block Wonder quilt on which she is working. I saw a panel at Beverly’s of a peacock and really liked it. It made me think of Pam’s quilt, which she made with panels

While the feathers to the left are from a Macaw, the colors remind me of peacock feathers. The photo is a little dark for me, but there is something about it. I also saw the Majestic Beauties fabric by Wilmington Prints at the recent quilt show.

I was thinking that using the peacock panels might be a good way to use peacock fabric. I am hesitating because the colors are beautiful, but the fabric has a lot of beige in it and is not bright and cheerful. Still there are some companion prints that don’t have as much beige that might work. On the other hand the letters on the background of the Majestic Beauties fabric panel might make interesting motifs when put together in the One Block Wonder method.

Peacock Feathers
Peacock Feathers

I really just want to try the technique that Pam used, so perhaps I have enough repeats of a Philip Jacobs fabric to try it out without having to buy new fabric.

I know what you are thinking, because I am also thinking “OMG, Jaye! WTH? Another new project?!?” Yes, I am just starting new projects with wild abandon! 😉

Creative Prompt #302: Lobster

Rock Lobster (song)

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

lobster tail

lobster bisque

Maine lobsters


Definition: “Clawed lobsters comprise a family (Nephropidae, sometimes also Homaridae) of large marine crustaceans. They have long bodies with muscular tails, and live in crevices or burrows on the sea floor. Three of their five pairs of legs have claws, including the first pair, which are usually much larger than the others. Highly prized as seafood, lobsters are economically important, and are often one of the most profitable commodities in coastal areas they populate.[2] Commercially important species include two species of Homarus from the northern Atlantic Ocean, and scampi – the northern-hemisphere genus Nephrops and the southern-hemisphere genus Metanephrops. Although several other groups of crustaceans have the word “lobster” in their names, the unqualified term “lobster” generally refers to the clawed lobsters of the family Nephropidae.[3] Clawed lobsters are not closely related to spiny lobsters or slipper lobsters, which have no claws (chelae), or to squat lobsters. The closest living relatives of clawed lobsters are the reef lobsters and the three families of freshwater crayfish.” (Wikipedia)

Red Lobster

lobster smack

Lobster Tennis Ball Machine

lobster rolls

Lobster font

Lobster Films

2015 film: The Lobster is an upcoming romantic science fiction thriller film directed by Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos in his English-language debut.

Lobster Theremin

Lobster is a game programming language. Unlike other game making systems that focus on an engine/editor that happens to be able to call out to a scripting language, Lobster is a general purpose stand-alone programming language that comes with a built-in library suitable for making games and other graphical things. It is therefore not very suitable for non-programmers. (Wouters Wiki)

Rock Lobster Cycles | custom bicycles built in Santa Cruz

Long Beach Lobster Festival

The Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic, played each summer at the end of July is in its 26th consecutive year with Lobster Bowl XXVI.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region, Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan.

Boston Lobsters Tennis Center at the Manchester Athletic Club.

The Great American Lobster Fest is Chicago’s first outdoor lobster fest of its kind

Larry the Lobster

REI Lobster Mittens

Killing My Lobster – Comedy in San Francisco

Lobster Newburg


O9P Progresses

Octagon 9 Patch - mid-March 2015
Octagon 9 Patch – mid-March 2015

I don’t think I have made much progress but I am making some progress. I finished all of the extra octagons so the piece is much bigger. I have to make a few more just to complete one side. I also still have a lot of nine patches to make.

I am now out of grey squares and have to make a concentrated effort to cut a bunch more. It isn’t a big deal; I just have to do it.

Orange Crush Journal Cover

Outside of Cover before sewing
Outside of Cover before sewing

I started another journal cover using oranges pretty soon after I realized I wasn’t happy with the Pink Mermaid Tail Journal Cover. Last week I finished it and I didn’t even really realize that it was almost done. I really just had to put on one piece and had the top done. Gotta love those leaders and enders.

I went for larger pieces this time, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the seams that were so problematic last time. I still wanted to get small enough pieces so the piece wouldn’t be boring. In some way making these journal covers using mosaic quilting is a process of piece size, color, number of pieces, pattern, size of motifs. It may seem stupid, but somehow it feeds something inside of me. I can piece any way I want. I don’t have to worry about a block pattern; I can just piece and focus on color. Because I do these monochromatic – mostly – pieces I can also get rid of the worry about the combination of colors. All of these things boil the process down as far as I can right now.

Cover closed
Cover closed

Looking at the photo above, the cover looks like a bit of a mess, but once the journal cover is put together, it looks a lot better. The piecing is moved into visually manageable bites.

A lot of these fabric motifs are large prints or bold prints. I used a number of different Philip Jacobs prints. Lots of modern dots and other modern prints. I also added a few fruit and veg prints from the Food Quilt.

All Outside
All Outside

I never know how orange will act and I am always a little scared when I do a project with a  lot of orange, then I am pleasantly surprised at how it turns out. I like this journal cover. It is bright and cheerful. It uses some of my favorite fabrics and the seams don’t bug me.

You can see how different the piece looks when it is sewn (left). It is still a little visually crazy, but much more contained than the very top photo.

You’ll have to click on the photos above to see the actual insides of the journal cover. I don’t have control over the thumbnails.

I feel like this is one of my most successful journal covers.

Setting Up a Show

Steamers. Snickers. First Look. Bops on the hand.

Friday, I went to help set up the BAMQG area at the Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association 40th Anniversary Show. I felt bad that I hadn’t been able to do it the past few years. I haven’t even ever been to that show!

The vendors were setting up as well and I saw Colleen (Sew Little Time Quilting) there. She has ALL of the American Made Brands solids and I have to say it took incredible willpower not to order half yards of all of them from her. She also has two of her Labyrinth quilts with her at the show. The patterns are finished and available.

This show is held in the same location as PIQF, but in a different hall (I think). I went late, but got there in time to help finish hanging the BAMQG quilts. Amanda, Kelly and Michelle had it well in hand. I added an extra pair of hands and driving skills.

Putting up with Poles
Putting up with Poles

There was some putting up and taking down, redoing and moving, but it went very smoothly. Kelly was well organized and Amanda has great project management skills. The quilt show has interesting tools for doing the hanging and some balance is required, especially for the larger quilts.

The biggest problem we ran into was the creases in the quilts. I know there isn’t much we can do about it in general, but Kelly decided we needed a steamer, but we needed a break and some of us were melting down from lack of food. We hopped in my car and went to lunch to decide on our next move. At lunch we decided that yes, we needed a steamer or a super duper steam iron. On the way back to finish our work, we stopped at Fry’s to see what they had.


We ended up buying a Conair Steamer and by ‘we’ I mean Kelly. There were 3 choices. We eliminated the travel version right away, because they didn’t have any (the hovering salesman who didn’t really add to our conversation, but wouldn’t leave told us) and after about 10 more seconds of deliberation Kelly decided on the Conair. We also got water, Snickers and an extension cord.

I have to say that steamers are the way to go. They don’t, however, absolve all sins, but it did a great job with the folds, etc, from storage. Kelly was really happy that she got it. The quilts looked better.

Funnily enough, everyone else at the quilt show came running over when they saw the steam, thinking there was a fire. When they saw what we were doing and that there wasn’t a fire, they thought we were brilliant. A few others, including the featured artist asked to borrow it. Every quilt show management should have one.

Bay Area Modern Banner Pre-Steamed



Bay Area Modern Banner Post-Steaming

Post Steaming
Post Steaming

We thought the quilting stood out a lot of more, though I think my phone photos don’t really do the work and expense justice.


All in all it was a good and fun day. I was glad I went despite the drive. I always enjoy hanging out with the BAMQGers!

Crafting for Politics

DH has to plan his Grand Parlor. This is the annual conference of his statewide organization, The Native Sons of the Golden West. As part of that, I am in charge of organizing some events for the Ladies. I have to create or decide on the following:

  • Ladies Luncheon table decorations
  • Ladies Luncheon party favors
  • Ladies Tea decorations
  • Cocktail party invitations
  • Cocktail party decorations
  • Ball table decorations
  • Who knows what else?

I am not sure this is everything and I don’t have to have everything finished until May 2017. This, endeavor, however has been on my mind since I found out what I have to do. It is reiterated periodically when I am handed a file of random papers or a large envelope appears in my mailbox.

I was thinking of asking you all to make fabric flowers. YOU, of course, would do a fantastic job, but, as you know, the quality of the items received can vary quite a bit and the judgment factor on all of these things will be high. I also wasn’t that excited about fabric flowers looking good enough after transport. I need to do a stellar job. I just couldn’t think of anything else.

Kelly and I went to lunch and I was telling her about my half baked idea. She suggested we go to Michael’s. What a brilliant idea! Why didn’t I think of that? So off we went and we got about a million ideas.

Ladies Luncheon

This is probably the largest and most visible of the events. The Ladies Luncheon is usually a sit down lunch with assigned seating. There are table decorations, which are won at the end of the lunch, raffle baskets and party favors. The raffle baskets are well in hand as one lady already agreed to help. She has done it before and knows what the ladies like. I will have to see about that closer to the date. I should also start soliciting some nice things tht are more to my taste and style for the baskets just to mix it up a bit. Unlike with us, a basket of fabric or quilting supplies or sewing notions wouldn’t go over well. 🙁 Wine, food, kitchen supplies and chocolate are big winners. I am a big fan of nice soap, so I am thinking soap and bath things might be good as well. Cleaning supplies, which were big winners at the YM’s grammar school silent auction, might not project the right tone. I’ll have to get some more ideas.

Fruit crate
Fruit crate

DH wants his logo to be a fruit crate label (BTW, we need a Photoshop Pro to help us with this. Are you able?). I want to continue the theme, if possible, so first we headed to the Micheal’s wood area and looked at crates and things. This Paris crate was too big, but the painting looked like an idea that had possibilities. We could stencil all different California names onto the crates. UGH paint. Kelly, however, is not afraid of spray paint, so I put her in charge of the painting team.

Also, the Paris crate is too big. I would have to fill it with stuff and that is a lot of space to fill.

Michael's: smaller crates
Michael’s: smaller crates

We talked about using flower arranging foam to stick things into, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t have good ideas about what I would put in these crates. Smaller crates were available and there are other stores, so the crate idea is not completely dead.

The other thing is that stock will change. I need to either be flexible about the actual items and make the style the most important. For example, I could think ‘crates’ and just worry about getting all crates of about the same size.

Houston Dress Forms
Houston Dress Forms

I saw the most awesome dress forms in Houston. They were full size and covered in vintage looking paper. I loved the shape, the decoupage and the artistic expression of the female form.

I really wanted to carry one off with me. I don’t have the space in my house, so I left them. I couldn’t find any information about them, which was a shame, but I enjoyed them all the same. I think Friend Julie and my mom got sick of me wanting to walk by them all the time.


Michael's mini dress form
Michael’s mini dress form

When I saw this mini dress form, I remembered the Houston dress forms and thought that dress forms as table decorations would be perfect.

The black one I saw at Micheal’s was a good size, but covered in that weird, fake, short, toy fur, thus not perfect for decorating. Kelly, again, assured me that spray painting can cover a multitude of sins, but I don’t think the fur could be painted. Also, they only had one and I need 10-12. Of course, everything is available on the Internet, so I did a search and came up with a lot of hits. None of the sites presented themselves as those from which I could buy 12 paper mache’ dress forms between 12″-18″ suitable for decorating. I have some time and all hope is not lost. I am thrilled to have an idea that seems promising.

Possible Ladies Luncheon table decorations
Possible Ladies Luncheon table decorations

It is probably unlikely that I will turn the cages into anything, but I did like them. The fleur de lis on the top adds to the charm. I would have to figure out what to put inside and how much space they would take up on the table. People still have to be able to pass the dressing and talk over the table decorations.

Favor cans
Favor cans

Party favors are another aspect. Everyone gets a little something so they don’t feel bad when they don’t win the table decorations or the raffle baskets.

We walked down the wedding aisle and saw these cans, which could be filled with something. At a wedding they would be filled with Jordan Almonds. Xanax might be good, but hard to get and an ethical challenge. Bath salts are a possibility. I am almost certain I will get these for the favors.

Ladies Tea

The Ladies tea concept is much more fluid, more like an open house. People come in, have cakes and cookies, drink tea, walk around. They might sit on a couch or chair, but there are no tables or assigned seating.

Wooden trays
Wooden trays

I want it to be a fun atmosphere. These wooden trays could be painted and, perhaps, decorated with a California theme and then used for the cookies and treats. I think they are very elegant. I think if painted the right way, they could be fun and the elegance would add to everything not detract.

I saw pennant kits, pinwheel kits and paper lanterns. I think these will be colorful and great. I don’t need to buy a kit to make pennants. There is plenty of fabric in this house and lots of tutorials online. I can start with them and just keep making one long strand until 2017!

Using Flower Arranging Foam
Using Flower Arranging Foam

The flower arranging foam could definitely be used to hold the pinwheels up. the example (right) also used the fruit crate.

I could also use chipboard dress forms to bring the theme from the Ladies Lunch forward to the Tea… somehow.

Cocktail Party

I don’t think anything pink or cheerful can be used at the cocktail party. Fortunately, the decorations are not that elaborate. I do want some kind of special table decorations. Perhaps more of the scattered around the room type and fewer? Perhaps the cages would work here?

As crazy as it sounds, I am currently enamoured with The Night Circus, a novel by Erin Morgenstern. I am thinking of a black & white theme for the decorations. Black and white stripes?

The trays from above could be used again for the canapes, but these would not be black and white, so perhaps sticking with a California theme would be best. Hollywood opening night type of feeling, if not theme?

I have to deal with the invitations, which need to be engraved (or similar). I don’t think they need to be personalized, but I need to know the time and location so I can get them printed in advance.

As you can tell, I am less sure about this. I have thought the most about the Ladies Luncheon.

Ball Table Decorations

Yes, there is a Ball. It is mostly black tie and my outfit is prescribed. I have to wear an all white dress. UGH! I don’t mind getting dressed up, but white? UGH!I had a brainwave the other day, though. I have a seamstress who has been altering clothes for me as I have lost weight. She could make a pattern and make a dress from it! This makes me feel much better, more hopeful that I won’t look like a big white puffball.

Perhaps the cages will work for the ball? There are many more tables, though, which means 30-40 (or more???) table decorations and those cages are large. I don’t know how we would transport the cages. We might need a U-Haul for all of the decorations.


One big thing is who is going to pay for all of this. There are notes in the papers I have been given and I just have to get the idea into my head and confirm who is paying for what. Having until 2017 means I can use the 40%-type coupons over time to buy various supplies. Of course, I have to pay attention to the stores still having the same item — or, again, be flexible.

If you ever wondered what in the world you would with a smartphone, now you know: take photos of ideas and possibilities so you remember.

I am constantly concerned that my style will raise some eyebrows. I am going with it, though. I am at least 20 years younger than most of the women who attend. I have to do what feels right as well. Regardless, I feel so much better that the decorations won’t be a complete failure and about this whole endeavor in general; I can’t even tell you.


Creative Prompt #301: Mitten

Pretty soon this will no longer be relevant as spring is well and truly here, in California, and signs of spring are even showing in the depths of upstate New York. That means you should get out your watercolors, pastels, musical notation books and create something from this prompt.

winter hand covering

mitten string

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

Definition: “a glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers. (informal :boxing gloves)” (Google)

The Mitten by Jan Brett

Used in chat sites, like two thumbs up. A person who likes a response in a thread will post a picture of two mittens with the thumbs pointing upward.

Discover Mitten, a leading manufacturer and distributor of premium exterior building products for International customers in Canada, USA and Europe.

Koala mittens

mitten siding

Chinese Mitten Crabs

Christopher Mitten


The Mitten Building

Mitten flask

Mitten Mavens roller derby

The humorous story retells the traditional Ukrainian wintertime tale of several animals squeezing into a mitten to stay warm.

Professor Mitten is the Director of theNational Sports Law Institute and the LL.M. in Sports Law program for foreign lawyers at Marquette University Law School.

Mitten Munch Trail Bars

The Mitten is a wintery blend of last season’s best cider aged in bourbon barrels with fresh pressed apple juice from the new harvest.

Mitten im Leben

Mercury Retrograde Body Mitten! Feeling wobbly, forgetful, and introverted during this Mercury retrograde cycle?