Mosaic Inspiration from the Thomas Jefferson Building

The Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress is a monument to knowledge. The whole building exudes the value of knowledge. As well, it is a gorgeous building, with every surface covered in some kind of artwork celebrating knowledge, books or libraries. I took dozens of pictures of floors, some of which I may drag out later for your enjoyment. Here are a few to inspired you to greater borders and medallions for your quilts.

I love the common designs that mosaic art (and other arts) have in common with quiltmaking.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

2 thoughts on “Mosaic Inspiration from the Thomas Jefferson Building”

  1. I know! I saw these last time I was at the LoC, but I didn’t remember the details. They are so gorgeous. It makes me think very highly of the designers and workers who would do such wonderful work.

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