Whipped Cream

I’d like to baste the Tarts at the next CQFA meeting on Saturday. In order to accomplish that goal, I need to get the whipped cream on the pie. I made the pattern and have been auditioning it in slightly varied locations all over the pie.

Pie Cream #1
Pie Cream #1

The above photo shows the crust stitching (see below), but I still don’t like the placement.

Pie Cream, in context
Pie Cream, in context

The above shows the whipped cream on the pie from a little further back, so it can be seen in context. It does look better from this distance.

Pie Cream #2
Pie Cream #2

The above location does not work. I am rather proud of that crust and the location of the whipped cream covers up my lovely stitching.

I am thinking that the ultimate problem is that I made the pattern too big and it should be a smaller mound of whipped cream, like on the cupcake. I am also thinking about adding a cherry instead of whipped cream.