The CQFA Retreat was over the weekend. It was a relatively quiet retreat. Several people had to cancel at the last moment, which was a shame. Still, we had a good time and people made good progress on their various progress.

We were in the same location as last year, which has a separate building in which we are able to sew.

This was my view as I sewed. Reva does wonderful work and it was wonderful to watch her, Sue and Robin’s work evolve.

The black and white piece is made from the fat quarter bundle Reva won from the prizes we got from Fabricworm.

Robin’s Blooming 9 Patch was made from Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I liked looking at it. I like the pink.

Robin added some 4 patches on the ends to make the piece a bit longer.

Sue half square triangle scrap quilt is the kind of project I like to do on the Retreat. Sue had the blocks done and thought to do the rest at home. We encouraged her to use Robin’s design wall to finish the piece. She did so and made good progress. She wanted to use up as many scraps as she could and I think that she did well. Sue is making this quilt for her bed.

I think the pink fabric in the middle left looks like the leaves a tree with the trunk being the piece right below. I mentioned it and Maureen said that we all see what we want to see.

Julie made a lot of progress on various pieces. She started some and made progress on others. I was very impressed with her progress.
The Baggo piece is from a challenge where each person receives a bag of supplies from another and makes something out of it. I was particularly taken with the Baggo piece’s eye stamps. I was even more impressed when Julie told me she carved them herself. I really like the images and encouraged her to make more and sell them. I would be first in line for a set although I don’t do much stamping.
She quilted and bound this piece. She was irritated at the binding, which tinkled every time she worked on it, because of the bells she had added. I told her to stop and do something else in between. By the end of the weekend, the binding was done and Julie was not gnashing her teeth.

We went out to dinner on Saturday night together, which was fun. We had the most wonderful waiter who was kind, didn’t complain about any special requests and gave us each individual bills.
Sounds like so much fun. I’m definitely in for next year, gonna mark my calendar as soon as the date is set! Glad you all had fun and got lots done!
It is a great way to bond with the group.
Good report, there really was a lot of good work going on this weekend. I will look into the stamp production idea, I’ve never researched that… FYI the quilt with the eye stamps I was working on was not my baggo, that isn’t in the pictures you posted. It will be on my blog this week, with bells on!
OOoops! I’ll fix it after you post your photo and link back to it.