Only on one front: napkins. I have started to buy some Christmas gifts, but that job is still majorly in process. I have started, slowly, because I have to spread the cost out.
We use cloth napkins. They may not be more environmentally friendly considering the manufacturing process and that we have to wash them every week. Still, they get a lot of attention when we have guests, which usually leads to interesting conversations, so I keep using them. I also don’t like the feel of paper napkins on my face. My pretty, pretty princess face. 😉
I had an idea awhile ago to make napkins for every holiday. I made napkins for Valentine’s day, 4th of July and Labor Day. I may have made more, but I don’t remember. I never got to Christmas or Thanksgiving. Frankly, I should concentrate on Thanksgiving, because that is when we have the big family party and I would get a lot of compliments. Still I haven’t done it.

However, when I started my ‘small projects extravaganza‘, I got out some Christmas fabric to make gift bags, then I decided to make some napkins instead. It had been long enough since I made any new ones that I forgot how tedious they are to make.
I have to say that the fabric on the right creeped me out the whole time I was sewing it. I love the vintage glass ornaments, but there are a couple of faces on that fabric that look a little too much like horror movie characters for me. I will stick to using the other two types during Christmas for myself.
Still I made 12 – all the fabric I cut – and now I can move on.
Fab idea! We too use cloth napkins and have since the 70’s! We’ve been married a while! LOL! I feel like I am saving at least a twig when we use the napkins and when we use them. And, I too, like the feel of them on my pretty queenly face…
😉 It is a great way to see pretty fabric as well. As I have said, I probably won’t make a Christmas quilt, but having Christmas napkins allows me have a bit of fabric in my life that I wouldn’t otherwise have a reason to buy (although, who really needs a reason!) or use.