Mom and the Big Guy went to Port Townsend, Washington for a few weeks to see her BIL/ Big Guy’s brother. She brought her Featherweight and sewed like a demon while the Big Guy and his brother visited. She came home with a number of baby quilts/throws. She hasn’t been updating her blog, so I decided I would show you her work.

The BIL has about 13 children. Many of them are grown and having babies of their own. Mom enjoys using her fabric to make baby quilts and throws. She came upon a technique that using no batting and Minkee to make throws and that is the technique she used.
She took the fabric in the throw with the gold border from me. It has colorful scenes from various world cities and I just couldn’t imagine why I had purchased that particular fabric. I think I bought it to give to Mom so she could make this great throw (below).

The colors she chose for the borders, etc really pick up the colors in the panel and make this a very successful piece. It makes me wonder why I gave it to her, but I don’t think I would have thought of doing this and the fabric would have sat in my fabric closet for eternity. I am glad it will go to a good home.
The other great thing is that she got practice and is feeling a lot more confident about her skills especially in machine quilting.

I hope, now that she is home, that she will continue making such great progress.
Wow, your Mom has been hard at work for sure! That panel quilt totally looks like you btw :))) Thank you for showing her beautiful work Jaye!
Thanks, Kati. She is just exploding with creative energy. It is great to see.