I am clearing up my workroom a bit after taking down my large design wall and finding a plethora of odds and ends behind it. In the course of cleaning, I am assembling fabrics to donate, which count in the ‘used’ (e.g. no longer in the stash) column of my fabric spreadsheet.
Finished 2017 Quilt Projects
None yet
Finished 2017 Non-Quilt Projects
Doing Good
- Maureen’s Bits Donation Top
- Yellow Donation Top/Back #2
In Process
The ‘In Process’ is used to denote projects on which I am actively working or pretending to stitch. I try not to put away projects, because that will ensure I never work on them.
- Carpenter’s Wheel blocks – I made a few more blocks and am ready to put the blocks together. This means making text/low volume blocks, which I want to do quickly so I can also get this piece to Colleen.
- City Sampler – blocks all made. Need to sash the blocks and finish putting the top together. I have the fabric I will use, but I think it needs to be washed.
- English Paper Piecing Project– half hexies – I am still making stars. I am using the big stack of fabrics I cut over Thanksgiving to make more stars. This piece is a weird shape otherwise I would just finish it and move on. I do still have 4 months of traveling with DH.
- En Provence – Working on the second clue, I think. I put it off while I finished The Peacock as the mind shift was making me a little crazy.
- FOTY 2016 – time to start arranging it. I wanted to do it immediately after finishing the Peacock top, but with my design wall issues, I don’t think I will.
- Lobster – have more stitching to do and then I need to quilt it.
- Octagon 9 Patch: ready to put together. Not sure what I am waiting for. Another leaders/enders project or do I want to lay out the blocks more carefully?
- Peacock Quilt – off the design wall and the top is sewn together. Next step is to make the back. My deadline is Feb 6 as I want to take it to Colleen that week.
- Under the Sea: class project; like the design and am happier with the colors. I bought a few spools of Sue Spargo’s embroidery thread and continue to embroider. I want to finish it soon, though the piece does keep calling for more embroidery.
Still WIPs
I still have WIPs. Who doesn’t, after all? A project in the ‘UFO’ category means I am stalled. A nicer way of saying UFO is a WIP. The list is a lot shorter and the projects are newer, for the most part.
- Aqua-Red Sampler – The partial seaming tutorial was finished in September. Now I need to lay the blocks out and put the piece together.
- The Tarts Come to Tea: I still haven’t worked on this since April 2011, though, I did bring it to the 2017 CQFA Retreat as a potential project. It is still in a prominent location so I have easy access.
- Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. No progress.
- Pies and Points from Victoria Findlay Wolfe class. No further progress. I did wash the background fabric I found when I went to Portland, so I am ready to cut. I need to focus on this and it is not up high enough on the list yet.
- Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. My career counselor breathed new life into this project for me. She asked a simple question and the end result was inspiration for this piece, but I kind of lost steam again after printing images on paper to try out different designs. Lately, I have stopped feeling like I need to finish this piece. I am not ready to give up on it yet. I think it really needs major surgery.
- Serendipity Lady Quilt: no progress.
- Stepping Stones #2 – I am ready to make the border blocks , but haven’t done anything yet.
Ready for Quilting
- Nothing
In Quilting Process
- Thanksgiving tablemat – I started quilting this piece at the 2017 CQFA Retreat. I made good progress, but it isn’t finished yet.
- Theoretically, the Tarts Come to Tea is in the quilting process, though I haven’t worked on it in a while. It did come with me to Retreat and almost made it high enough on the list to get some love.
Hunting and Gathering
- 30 Something: I am still cutting 1.5 inch squares. I am pretty sure I have the 800 I need, but I am not ready to sew these yet, so whenever I have a chance I cut more. It will give me choice when the time comes. I’ll have to think up a new name, too.
- Blue Gradation Quilt: cutting 2.5 inch x 4.5 inch blue rectangles
- Blue Lemonade: cutting blue, green, purple 2inch squares
- Pink Gradation Quilt: cutting 2.5 inch x 4.5 inch pink rectangles
- Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. I probably have enough fabrics and just need to decide to start.
- Windmill quilt: Still hunting and gathering. I am supposed to be cutting a variety of greys for the background. I bought a new template, so I should be able to get going again
- Stepping Stones #3 using the Macaron pre-cuts from Hoffman. I have all the fabric in pre-cuts and am just waiting for space (and desire) in my schedule.
What’s on your list?