Does anyone have any good tips on keeping the zipper tabs in place before sewing them? I pull the zipper pull down to get it out of the way of the sewing machine foot, which makes the zipper fabric at the top flop around. As you can see, I have used WonderClips to keep the zipper fabric and new zipper tabs in place so I can sew them. I have tried pins, but the clips are better. It is not ideal but I can’t think of anything better.
I posted to the Crafty Gemini Facebook page and some people had some good ideas: tape, staples and sewing the ends together until they won’t come apart. I am thrilled to have some new ideas. I am not sure why I didn’t think of these things.
What do you do?
I’ve definitely done the sewing the ends together thing. But tape and wonderclips is a good idea too. It’s always a little funky but hitting the zipper pull with the needle is no good. I had a plastic one get stuck around the needle one time, it was a little too exciting.
I’ll have to remember some of these techniques next time I have to replace the ends of zippers. Crafty Gemini seems to do that a lot.