As I mentioned yesterday, I dropped a quilt off to be quilted. I don’t normally just go to Colleen’s to drop off a quilt. I try to take two or more at a time. As it happens, two were ready for me to pick up and Metroscape was one of them.

I am pleased that it is nearly finished. Colleen machine stitched the binding on for me as usual, but I will hand stitch the rest.

The back is kind of fun. I know I didn’t think much of it when I made it, but it has grown on me.
This is one of my favorite backs. I think because it is pieced, but all the fabrics relate. Great binding, too. Congrats on the finish!
Thanks! I finished the binding the other night, so it is truly done unless I want to hang it, in which case I will have to make a sleeve.