I have enough of the white scrap donation blocks now to make a quilt. This set of blocks has seemed to take forever, though I know it probably has not been as forever as I think.

In looking at this set, I am not sure I want to alternate the blocks with plain blocks. I get the sense that those plain blocks can overwhelm delicate piecing. On the other hand,a plain block, might set off the piecing. Hhhhmmm.
I am also not sure I want to add skinny sashing. It would be difficult to piece and keep straight because of the all the seams and layers in the block. I am unwilling to go on an amazing design journey with these blocks so I have decided that I have three options.
First, is alternating my pieced blocks with plain blocks. Second is a skinny sashing with (or possibly without) cornerstones and, third, is a slightly larger width sashing with cornerstones. I’d like to have a top ready for Sew Day or the November meeting. I am leaning towards the last option.
My next problem is the sashing color. I would default to light, but that would blend in with the blocks. Perhaps some dots?
I’m with you… option 3
maybe light gray or lavender?
Yes. I was thinking about those colors as well. The quilt has a light fresh look and I don’t want to lose that.
Option 3 would be fantastic!
Yes. I am leaning in that direction as well.