I finished the top, back and binding for the Black Windmill over the weekend. This baby is ready to go to the longarmer. I need to decide if I will take this quilt and Red Scribbles or if I will wait and put together another quilt before I made the trip? I’d like this one back at the beginning of October so the sooner the better my chances are. On the other hand, making the trip seems like a really long adventure. It is totally my perception. The length of the trip (15 miles???) hasn’t changed.

In terms of the back, I used a big leafy Philip Jacobs print and some older prints I unearthed when I looked through my backing fabrics a few weeks ago. The back doesn’t exactly match the front, but I thought the front was a little dark and wanted the back to be lighter. Also, I wanted to use up fabric.
The two middle half yards on the right are Mary Ellen Hopkins prints from the Dark Ages. They are awesome prints that I had been saving for something special. My stepdad’s quilt seems like a good opportunity to use them.

One of them, however, has fish on it and the fish look super grumpy! I didn’t notice that before I sewed the back and I hope my stepdad doesn’t take issue with them. In a way the grumpiness is kind of funny.