The Easter fabric I bought at Just For Fun in Vancouver, Washington (haven’t written about it yet, but have photos) was intended for masks. I bought all the other fabric at Pioneer Quilts. I decided to make napkins instead, because most places want us to wear N95 masks.
I don’t like making napkins, but I made it a little easier on myself by 1) adjusting my attitude and 2) rounding the corners. Rounding the corners meant that I didn’t have to pivot while using a fancy stitch, which made the whole process go faster.
I used the 2.5 inch circle from the Creative Grids Circle Set** to trim the corners of a fat quarter to a round shape. I would have done well to also use a rotating mat** while I cut using the circle, but I didn’t have mine handy. Acrobatics were required.
I found the 2.5 inch circle to work really well. It looks pretty good in terms of shape and size and, as I said, made sewing pretty much a breeze. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.
I used different fabrics on the back, so we can tell them apart. We use cloth napkins all the time, but only change them out about once a week unless something happens.
**Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops. However, I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.