What I wanted to do at Sew Day, since all of my La Pass month 9 pieces were basted, was cut out a bag. I had been thinking about the Friesan Pouch for awhile and I chose to cut the pieces for that pouch out.
As I have said, cutting out large-ish projects at Sew Day is great. The larger cutting table and space to spread out are very helpful.
I prepared everything I could at Sew Day, so I was ready to sew when I had time on Sunday.
I basted all the pieces like Sara says to do instead of being lazy and wanting to get to the finished product. It took forever to get through the basting and making the zipper panel, but I had everything ready so it went very smoothly.

I used the zippers Julie got me for my birthday. I was able to put the zipper heads on (using my zipper head tutorial) with the zipper heads that Julie included in my gift and I think they look really good. I am ridiculously pleased with how the zipper panel came out.
I used two different fabrics (from my trip to Portland), one for each side of the zipper, because I used on fabric for each side of the pouch. I hope it comes out like I imagine it.
I am in the process of installing the zippers on the outside pockets.