More La Pass Joins

La Pass: Joining months 6,7 and 10-full
La Pass: Joining months 6,7 and 10-full

This is a La Passacaglia heavy week here on the blog.

You can see the new fabrics I highlighted in my post “That was Then This is Now” the other day in the Month 7 rosette (upper left).

If you look at where the Sew Tites are placed, you can see where I will join the two sections (Month 7 to Month 6 and 10).

La Pass: Joining months 6,7 and 10
La Pass: Joining months 6,7 and 10

I spent some time the other night adding the various pieces I needed to Months 6 and 7 so I could join them to Month 10. The yellow arrows point to the star points as well as the star points/diamond combination (middle top).

I am ready to sew the three rosettes together. I was going to do it Friday, but got home too late and was tired.

I definitely get a different view when the rosettes are even set together. This realization makes me wish I had spent more time looking at the rosettes together.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.