Various & Sundry 2011 #9

Cafe Press Store

I am getting ready to change out all of the designs on the items in the store. If you want any of the Seeing Red items, now is the time to get them. You know you need that iPad cover. 😉

Supplies & Patterns

I never think to look at Nancy’s Notions for quilting supplies. Not sure why. I saw an update from her on FB and checked a new product she rolled out at Quilt Market. I also looked around at her rulers and such. She has a nice selection of what looks like innovative tools and rulers.

I am sort of interested in needle felting – not actually doing it, but knowing about it and seeing other people do it. I thought this project for a felted iPad cover was a good idea. Useful as well appropriate pattern for the materials.


Michael Miller has posted all of their new lines of fabric. They also have an Aqua Red line that includes the Little Plain Jane flower print that I am using on my latest sampler.  I may also buy more of the aqua with the red dots. I love the cheerfulness of that fabric design.

Rouge et Noir looks like it also has some nice prints. I see some of them becoming bags.

Aqua Queen Street
Aqua Queen Street

In both of the lines I have mentioned, I see Michael Miller reusing designs, which I think it is a good idea. I still would like Windham to reissue Botanical Pop in the turquoise colorway. They might have missed their chance, because I am really liking the aqua/turquoise with white dot print in the Queen Street line (above or bottom row, 3rd from left in this photo). I also like the red, which is from the Moda Bliss line.

Michael Miller has spread dots all over their new lines. They have included some of the ‘dumb dots’ (dumb name, IMO) and the Ta Dots in their various new lines. I consider those dots to be staples and am glad to see them reappearing. I will have to search hard in the new lines to ‘replenish’ my supply. 😉

I keep hearing that grey is in for the new season of fabric. I don’t think I am buying into it. I live in the fog. Weeks can go by when I don’t see the sun and the last thing I need is more fog in my workroom.

Did anyone see anything new from Martha Negley at Quilt Market?

Quilt World News

Quilt Market has come and gone. Again I did not attend. I followed along via Twitter, which was ok. The Fat Quarter Shop posted tons of candid shots and that was fun. Stop Staring and Start Sewing has a great blog post recap about it-one of the best I have seen. Camille Roskelly also posted a nutshell recap. There is a great picture of her booth and I just love the colors. I can’t get enough of them. Front and center is a tray of Ruby charm packs. I think I have to get one. Lots of fabulous aqua and red photos in Camille’s post. Kathy at Pink Chalk Studio has a wonderful recap. She posts pictures, but also talks about the trends. Her post feeds my intellectual curiosity about the quilt industry.

C&T publishing, and their Stash imprint, was featured in an article about their phenomenal growth in a difficult industry. YAY C&T/Stash!

I have to admit that I was disappointed in the recent blog list in Quilter’s Home magazine. I like the idea of the 50 best blogs or whatever, but was disappointed (a) because mine wasn’t in there and (b) because most of the blogs were the same old, same old. I have to be honest. I work hard on my blog and it would be nice to see it show up in one of these lists sometime. Still, that isn’t the reason I write this blog, so fine, I am moving on. The other thing, though, is that the blogs they featured are great blogs: good info, gorgeous photos. There isn’t anything wrong with the blogs, but they are the popular blogs. The writers/editors didn’t have to work to make a new and innovative list.

Getting the Word Out

I am excited that another one of my posts, Hooked on Hexagons, was featured on Creating the Hive. This is my fourth post to be featured on Creating the Hive. Creating the Hive is another space for people to talk about their art. Lisa of LisaLizaLou invited me to join. If you want an invitation, let me know.

The other great news is that FOTY 2010 will be hung at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles. How did I do it? I just sent in a picture for one of their shows. I am pretty excited. I finished putting the binding on, but have to get the sleeve on that baby and then I can consider it done and will show it here.

Finished: More Pillows

Simply Pillows class project from 1999
Simply Pillows class project from 1999

These pillows have been languishing in my fabric closet for so long they weren’t even on my WIP list. They were yelling at me very loudly on Saturday after I finished the Teacher Pillows. I was inclined to work on them since they were taking up valuable floor space in my fabric closet.

The class I took at the Sewing Workshop was called Simply Pillows and Linda Lee taught the class. I took the class in 1999. Most people didn’t piece their pillows, but since I was enamored with quiltmaking I decided to piece my pillows. We learned to do piping and the striped piping on the pillow above was already done when I took the pieces out of the bag on the weekend. I had to sew one seam and I was done. It is pathetic that I let this project languish for so long.

Actually, I was kind of surprised that I took the class in 1999, because I thought for sure I had taken it when I lived closer, but the dates are in my handwriting on the folder. Very strange.

Simply Pillows Class Project #2
Simply Pillows Class Project #2

The hourglass pillow did not finish as intended. I put on some piping, which was in the bag of supplies. I found out that the back wouldn’t fit, because, apparently, I needed to trim the front of the pillow before adding the piping. I took off the piping and just sewed the back to the front and called it done.

Enough pillows already!

Finished: Teacher Pillows 2011

Whenever I finish the Teacher Pillow Project, I always feel a little sad. This is even after ripping half my hair out and spending way more time than I wanted in the process. Crazy, I know.Somehow the end result of a little pile of pillows is wonderful. And this is the last year I am doing this. The Young Man goes to high school next year and, except for special occasions or for special recognition, I am resolved to not make this many pillows again. (I know you are thinking “Famous Last Words.” Stop thinking that!)

2011 Teacher Pillow Group
2011 Teacher Pillow Group

This year I had 5 pillows to make, but decided, as I talked about yesterday, to also make a pillow for the Art Teacher, leaving me with a total of 6 pillows to make.

2011 Religion Teacher Pillow
2011 Religion Teacher Pillow
Religion Teacher Back
Religion Teacher Back

I made a Greek Cross (pg.72) block for the 8th grade Religion Teacher.

2011 Science Teacher Pillow
2011 Science Teacher Pillow
2011 Science Teacher Pillow back
2011 Science Teacher Pillow back

The Science Teacher got a Big T (pg.37) block. Do you like the label? It is an exploding test tube. The Young Man’s goal of blowing something up in science class has not yet been achieved.

2011 Art Teacher Pillow
2011 Art Teacher Pillow
2011 Art Teacher Pillow back
2011 Art Teacher Pillow back

Art will receive a Martha Washington Star (pg.85). I really like the back that the Young Man did for her. Very appropriate, I think.

2011 SS & Reading Teacher Pillow
2011 SS & Reading Teacher Pillow
2011 SS & Reading Teacher Pillow back
2011 SS & Reading Teacher Pillow back

The Social Studies and Reading Teacher will also receive a Martha Washington Star. Look familiar? I was feeling uninspired. Now I think I should have  made the block red, white and black, but I am not remaking it. I don’t know what the back means. Perhaps an inside joke?

2011 English/Literature Teacher Pillow
2011 English/Literature Teacher Pillow
2011 English/Literature Teacher Pillow back
2011 English/Literature Teacher Pillow back

English and Literature received a basket block pillow last year and she will receive the above Grape Basket (pg.71) this year. The fabrics and colors goes with the block I made last year. This basket block was a bit of pain. I have made a number of basket blocks and this one went together very strangely. When I had finished putting it together, I looked at it and thought that I would have done it differently, had I known.

2011 Math Teacher Pillow
2011 Math Teacher Pillow
2011 Math Teacher Pillow back
2011 Math Teacher Pillow back

The Math teacher will receive a Free Trade block (pg.67). see a theme here with the Sawtooth Star variations? Again, I was uninspired. The fabrics go with some I used last year. Hope she likes pink. The back depicts Pi out to a lot of digits.

In years past, I have also given the Resource teacher a pillow, but this year she is getting a quilt.

Nota bene: All the blocks are from a book called Around the Block. It is out of print, but has been been reprinted with v.2 and v.3 in a book called 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks. Very worthwhile purchase. I would have a hard time living without this book.

Teacher Pillows 2011 Progress

Art Teacher Pillow
Art Teacher Pillow
Religion Teacher Pillow
Religion Teacher Pillow

I will be glad when this project is done. I wanted to finish last week, but there was too much going on. I thought I could make some progress this past week in the evenings. No joy there either. Today, I am supposed to be resting, because of this cold that I am trying to have not turn into the flu.

And this is the last year for bulk pillow making. I still have to make the raffle pillows for the Native Sons and I may make a pillow every once in a while for a special teacher, but that is it. If I go back on my word feel free to remind me.

Anyway, the above pillow is for the art teacher. She has been a rock for the Young Man and has really encouraged his creativity and has encouraged his style. The pattern is Martha Washington Star from Around the Block.

The blue and yellow pillow is Greek Cross for the religion teacher. It actually came out really well. I used my last IKEA pillow form and kind of like those forms. I wanted more robust forms, but the ones I bought are REALLY really firm and forced me to make the pillow covers a bit bigger.

Hooked on Hexagons

Dear TFQ and Little Bluebell,
This is all your fault.
Now that I have that out of the way, yes, I seem to be hooked on hexagons. The test piece is much larger. If you want to cut hexagons, like I am doing, check out Little Bluebell’s cutting directions.

Much larger hexagon test piece
Much larger hexagon test piece

I am also interested in the Spin Wheel design by Fons & Porter. I was watching, what I thought was a Kaleidoscope episode and it turned out to be the Spin Wheel episode. I took notes again so I could do a test block.

Spin Wheel drawings
Spin Wheel drawings
Spin Wheel drawings 2
Spin Wheel drawings 2

I went looking for examples people have made and only found a few. I found a tutorial, which is good since I don’t have the magazine. BeckyF also did the pattern in fun colors, which I found on Flickr. There is one on Webshots that is done more in the colors the Fons & Porter ladies like. I like this progression/gallery of photos making the Spin Wheel. Also, the blue and yellow are cheerful.

This has nothing to do with the Spin Wheel, but Daniel Rouse has put up a really cool hexagon quilt on his site. I like the small and large.

Test Pieces Arranged #2
Test Pieces Arranged #2

I am also starting a scrap project using the Twirling Triangles pattern, which is, ultimately, a hexagon.

FOTY 2011 Triangles - 4/2011
FOTY 2011 Triangles – 4/2011

Oh, of course, FOTY 2011, too. Yes, I have a thing going. Obsessed is probably a better word.

Check out Sandy’s site. She is thinking about hexagons, too. And Pam over at Hip to Be a Square podcast. These two are totally my fault. How can I not want to spread the joy of something fun?

Hexagon Related Posts:
November 13, 2012- Blue Chair Blog Hexagon Sewing tutorial
October 20, 2011- Hexagons Return
June 28, 2013- Hexagon Clarification
June 9, 2011 – Hexagons tutorial
June 7, 2011 – Attack of the Hexies
Little Bluebell’s Cutting Instructions

Guess What? CPP is Still on Vacation!

Wouldn’t you love a vacation this long? I would.

The CPP is still on vacation. Did you do any responses to the previous prompts? See previous words and information on the Creative Prompts Inspiration Page. Do you have an opinion about how I should proceed with the CPP? Are there enough prompt projects out there already? I have listed a few resources on the CPP Inspiration page.

Did you Talkback? I was glad to hear from Angela and Kim and SherriD.   I want to hear from you.



Farmer's Market from RJR
Farmer's Market from RJR

These are the first bits of fabric that I have bought for the Young Man’s food quilt. He is getting a food quilt from my mom, but I am making him one as well. I am only going to use this kind of fabric for the quilt. Mom used a variety of different food fabrics. I saw a few others on, but haven’t decided how many I need, so will wait to purchase. I do want to get the raspberries and I have some cherries.

After seeing Robin’s version of the Disappearing Nine Patch at the Retreat, I decided I wanted to try that pattern as well. I am going to put a red square in the middle and then black on white or a white on black print in the outside middle positions. I am going to do a test to see what looks best or if I need to rethink my color scheme completely. Make visual decisions visually.

New Books
New Books

I went on a mini book buying binge last Monday (not yesterday). It was part of therapy after the crazy family weekend. The Practical Guide to Patchwork was not in the purchase. I had that before, but hadn’t shown it and wanted to make the picture nice and even and not show you too much of the life sucking beige carpet that in on my workroom floor. Look for reviews.



Saturday a week ago was the CQFA and BAMQG Saturday extravaganza.

Every other month, the meetings fall on the same day, which can be awesome and can be exhausting. I love being immersed in the quilting. I adore both groups, too.

CQFA was really small this time. It is a small group to start with and May always begins the end of school/graduation/nice weather demands on people’s time. Still, it was a great meeting with awesome show and tell. We rehashed the Primal Green outing and panel discussion. I got a lot of kudos for my contribution, which was really nice and made me feel good. Nancy had set up demo, which Sue gave after a brief break.

Sue's Piece
Sue's Piece

Sue makes fabric paper. She found the recipe in the book Stitch Alchemy and has been making gorgeous cards and gifts ever since. Sue’s piece for Primal Green was made from the fabric paper (above). She also sent me some gifts made from her paper. I especially liked the cards.

My Cards
My Cards
Sue's Card - detail
Sue's Card - detail

Don’t you love the stitching and how it highlights and adds interest to the flower?

If I ever send you one of these cards, you had better not throw it out! I’ll have to think who will really appreciate one of them. I may frame one as well.

The thing about Sue is that she is fearless and will try anything. She really does great work and I always look forward to her show and tell.

Sue applying paper to fabric
Sue applying paper to fabric

In the photo above Sue is applying tissue paper to the fabric she has cut. I don’t remember what kind of fabric it is, but something fairly benign and not very expensive, I think.She used a water and glue mixture to apply the paper to the fabric.

Sue is a really good teacher. She was well prepared and as she talked us through the different steps, she also talked about supplies she liked (Starbuck’s tissue and colored tissue paper are the best).

Painting Fabric Paper
Painting Fabric Paper

After the paper is dry (this was a second piece, because we didn’t have time to let the one she worked on dry), then you paint and embellish it. That stamp in the front is made from bunion foam. Great idea, huh? Again, Sue talked about things she liked and things that didn’t work out as planned for embellishing.

Painting Fabric Paper
Painting Fabric Paper

We talked about doing this all together in August and then following up with a workshop to embellish it at A Work of Heart. We’ll see how it goes.

BAMQG is always a fun time, too. This time I brought my camera. I still didn’t take any photos except of the blocks I was cutting. DUH! I took the fabric for the Teacher Pillows and used the time I wasn’t chatting to cut pieces. I was able to cut two blocks out during the sewing time, which was great.

The meeting was good, too. It is fun to see what people are making. I had a lot to show – the FOTY 2010 (sans sleeve, so you’ll get to see when it is completely finished), the Frosted Stars Leftovers and the Purple Quilt. People really liked them and it is gratifying to get positive feedback. I was able to show the quilts at both groups and get double the amount of strokes. Thanks, everyone.

A few people finished their Robert Kaufman challenges. I brought mine, which does not have a border. Look out for a post on that coming soon to a blog near you. It was interesting to hear what challenged people about the project.


Chris won the blocks from the February block strip challenge. She made a table runner and she also made some gifts to give away. I won a folder that she made using a manila folder as a pattern and Timtex as the base. Very clever.


The outside of the folder is made from blocks. Can you see parts of one of my blocks? The inside has two pockets. Where the green meets the multi-colored print is where the pocket is.



Repurposed Journals
Repurposed Journals

I am kind of stuck in my ways when it comes to daily writing journals. TFQ introduced to me to the Miquelrius journals and I have never looked back.

I received these journals on the right from DH for Mother’s Day. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking at when I opened the beautifully wrapped gift. The spiral with the old book covers did not compute in my mind.

I admire the Art Deco (Nouveau??) design on the cover of the brown book, but really appreciated both when I opened them. The pages of the books have been replaced with blank, recycled paper.

Recycled Journals Open
Recycled Journals Open

There are a few pages from a book in the journal, but mostly the pages are blank.

DH works for a large educational institution and they are constantly having different events. They recently had a Green Fair and that was where he found these. I thought it was very sweet of him to pick journals for me. I guess he noticed that I write in my journal a lot. 😉

Now I have to decide whether or not to make a cover for these when I use them.

Quilt Class Sampler Blocks

Sawtooth Star
Sawtooth Star

This post is kind of a roundup of the good and the bad. No ugly today, as I use GREAT fabric. 😉

This Sawtooth Star block is one I use to teach Flying Geese. I love the Dutchman’s Puzzle block, but think starting students out with 4 Flying Geese as opposed to 8+ is much kinder.

The larger blocks are weird for me to make, because I like to make 6″ or 8″ blocks mostly. The good thing about making these giant blocks is that there is a lot of potential for fussy cutting and the Big Plain Jane print worked really well in this block. I tried to position the flower a little off center to add a bit of interest while not showcasing the white flower that is near the red flower on the print. I am really pleased with how cheerful this blocks looks. I am glad I am working in a turquoise/aqua and red palette.

Card Trick
Card Trick

The Card Trick block is a great block for practicing triangles. It includes both half and quarter square triangles. If you haven’t tried the Card Trick, it is a great block as long as you pick the right fabrics. I, as you can see, did not build in enough contrast between the background and the light fabrics.  There are a lot of seams and triangles in this block and you have to lay it out and piece carefully, because it is easy to get mixed up.

As I work on this project I see these blocks set on point with red cornerstones. We’ll see as the time gets closer.

CPP on Vacation

The CPP is still on vacation. Did you do any responses to the previous prompts? See previous words and information on the Creative Prompts Inspiration Page. Do you have an opinion about how I should proceed with the CPP? Are there enough prompt projects out there already? I have listed a few resources on the CPP Inspiration page.

Talkback. I want to hear from you.

Quick Update

My weekend was completely embroiled with quilt meetings and family events. I had a few minutes here and there, but never seemed to be able to settle down to write. That meant that none of the posts I usually prep on the weekends got done. I didn’t get any sewing done and didn’t write any book reports, so I really didn’t have much to write about any way.

I stayed home from work on Monday and sewed all day except for going to they gym in the morning and taking the Young Man to an appointment.

Grape Basket for English Teacher
Grape Basket for English Teacher

I cut this block out at the BAMQG meeting on Saturday and then sewed it together on Monday. I have made a lot of baskets in my day and found this one to be a bit on the tricky side. Exhaustion could have played a factor. 😉

I chose the colors to go with the pillow I made for this same teacher last year. You can see the 2010 pillows and compare.

I was also held up by the labels. I have the Young Man draw on a piece of paper to make the label. I have to mark the seam allowances, so his art does not get cut off and it took me awhile to site down and do it. Now it is done and I can progress.


The *itch is Back

I am really irritated.

Someone stole photos of pillows I donated to a raffle and put them up on their own blog. Now I have to send that person/blog/organization a cease & desist letter. I don’t have to, but I am going to. From a REAL lawyer who charges a lot of money per hour.

Here is the deal: If you want to use my photos, the policies and procedures are clearly labeled under ABOUT on the navigation bar under my header. I will also provide you with a convenient link, so you don’t have to look around. If, for some reason, you don’t want to download Clipmarks, then just ask me. Leave a comment somewhere and we can have a conversation about it.

The deal is that I want credit and I want a link back to my blog and I don’t want to have to come after you.

Do not just download the photos and put them up on your site. Be nice!

Inspiration Sunday

Purse Flower
Purse Flower
Purse Flower Detail
Purse Flower Detail

Yes, more from my sad shoe shopping experience. At least I found something for you. 😉

I think that the flower could easily be reproduced in fabric – ‘easily’ meaning not quick, but the picture makes it look relatively painless and straightforward, if a bit fiddly.

I do feel like I haven’t had much time to sew, which, further, means I have nothing to show. Perhaps tomorrow.

Have a Happy Mother’s Day!