My mom is in the hospital and the post surgery process is not going as well as hoped. I haven’t had time to post or even look at the blog. I hope to be back up and running soon.
Tag: OBE
Overwhelmed by Events – can also be used for when I am beating myself up about something as that usually happens when I am overwhelmed.
Life Less Tiring
I should be less tired, but I’m not. DH was out of town, which should be a good time for me to rest, but I did an extraordinary amount of driving to be with him to attend some events.
Work has been stressful. I am working on getting a new contract, which will be in a different department. This means that I have to prepare my work to hand over to the next person. I know you are thinking “really? again?”. It is the nature of contract work. I am constantly having to get my contracts renewed or find new ones. It isn’t ideal, but I have a lot of flexibility, which I like.
Still it is all tiring and people in the department are whispering about my contract ending, which is just annoying. I am looking forward to some time off.
I haven’t done much sewing except for my work on La Passacaglia. I have had an hour here and there to do some hand stitching. I love that project. I think I will go work on it now.
See you later!
Bad Tech Week
Nobody died.
It still has been a difficult couple of weeks in blog world. As you may have noticed, my site has been down. There are a lot of complicated reasons that are boring and not quilt related. Trust me, you don’t want to know.
The bottomline is that I have to pay more for hosting, but customer service was so terrible that I was able to negotiate several months for free.
Fortunately, I have still been sewing. Stay tuned for an update.
Don’t Should on Yourself
During the storm last week I should have sewn more.
Over the weekend I should have made progress on the Field Day Zipper.
When I have a spare moment, I should be working on the Teenaged Boy Black & Grey Donation Quilt.
I should be farther along sewing triangles to the leftover octagons.
These are words going through my head recently. Finally, I sat myself down and we talked.
I DO want to sew. Really. There is no reason I shouldn’t be sewing. I feel like I want to work on a project about which I am really excited. The problem is that I have a couple of other projects I also really want to get done, mostly to get the off my plate. I am not excited about them, so creative things kind of bog down.
I have to figure out what will get me out of this mood. Am I in a rut? Did I should badly on some projects that are not exciting me? Are projects not moving off my design wall fast enough? I don’t know.
My mom always says I shouldn’t ‘should’ on myself. I do a lot and I get stuff done. beating myself up about sewing is stupid. Yes, I want to finish projects, but clearly there is something else going on. Life is taking up space in my head and that is a thing that sometimes happens. Other stuff I enjoy is getting shoved aside for a lot of things I feel I ‘should’ do.
Quick Update
My weekend was completely embroiled with quilt meetings and family events. I had a few minutes here and there, but never seemed to be able to settle down to write. That meant that none of the posts I usually prep on the weekends got done. I didn’t get any sewing done and didn’t write any book reports, so I really didn’t have much to write about any way.
I stayed home from work on Monday and sewed all day except for going to they gym in the morning and taking the Young Man to an appointment.
I cut this block out at the BAMQG meeting on Saturday and then sewed it together on Monday. I have made a lot of baskets in my day and found this one to be a bit on the tricky side. Exhaustion could have played a factor. 😉
I chose the colors to go with the pillow I made for this same teacher last year. You can see the 2010 pillows and compare.
I was also held up by the labels. I have the Young Man draw on a piece of paper to make the label. I have to mark the seam allowances, so his art does not get cut off and it took me awhile to site down and do it. Now it is done and I can progress.
Artquiltmaker Blog NOT dead
There is a great saying that someone told me: OBE – overcome by events. That is what happened, but I am still committed to the blog, so please come back.
The things I am thinking about now are:
-what makes a good [quilt] teacher
-how much slack should you cut a teacher to whom you pay money?
-just by virtue of walking into a room of quiltmakers, should you consider them your friends? Should you expect them to consider you their friend?
-napkins. I am trying to get another long term pending project off the back of my chair. I just need to sew.
-clearing out stashes. I did it and brought 3 bags of first quality fabric to the Children’s Quilt Project. I had help and my friend also reorganized my fabric so I can find stuff. I now have a section of quilt back fabric, which is great.
-exchanges. A friend and I are doing a block exchange. We haven’t started yet, but it seems doable. I can’t wait.
More soon…I hope!