La Pass Month 8 More Progress

As crazy as it was, I brought La Pass Month 8 with me to Portland. I was able to get a few pieces sewn down once we got to Portland.

La Pass Month 8 Rosette in progress
La Pass Month 8 Rosette in progress

I am adding Month 8 pieces to the Month 7 rosette in a ring like I did with Month 1 and 2.

I don’t know if I am sewing the pieces in the most efficient way, but my method is working for me. It is also just evolving. On this piece, I started sewing a whole section together. You can see that on the top towards the right. It didn’t seem to make sense to me to do that way; it seemed awkward somehow.

I tried to think of the pieces in the Hearts and Cones configuration I talked about before. I couldn’t see the pieces that way and nobody in the La Pass/Pink Door FB group made any suggestions. I decided that getting the black diamonds in place would get them out of the way and they would be less annoying to sew on their own. They are to see because of the black table, but they are in between the butterflies.

Later, I wanted to sew while the YM cooked, but I didn’t want to bring my entire kit into the kitchen so I sewed the mineral (acid green fabric) pentagons into sets of two then added them to the Month 7 rosette later. I haven’t added them all yet, as I am trying to alternate the sewing the star points with sewing other pieces. Once I get all of the mineral pentagons then I will just sew chunks of small pentagons and star points to the piece.

I am still enjoying this project. I can’t wait to get back to it later today.

New Rainbow Color Strip

Color Strip donation blocks
Color Strip donation blocks

I decided to use the leftover improv strip blocks for one donation quilt. I just slapped them up on the design wall so I could see what I had. I will definitely do some kind of colorwash effect in the final layout.

There area lot of colors missing, so I will make some more blocks in the missing colors. I think I need about 28 total blocks to make a reasonable/useful sized quilt.

Musing on the Friesan Pouch

Friesian Pouch by Sara Lawson
Friesian Pouch by Sara Lawson

I bought the templates to make this pouch and is coming up fast on my list.

Sometimes I buy a pattern and it languishes for awhile, then all of a sudden I have a bug in my ear to make it. This happens all the time with Sara’s patterns since buying a Minikins set means that I get 12-13 patterns at once. That is what is going on here.

Fun Pink Zippers
Fun Pink Zippers

This is an interesting pouch because of the way the two sides flap down when you unzip them. As shown in the photo, the front and back of the pouch would be a good place for fussy cutting some great fabric. In my case, I want to make one for myself and, possibly, use those fun pink zippers Julie gave me.There are some black zippers, too, so, maybe a pink and black theme? I thought of pink and turquoise to go with the A Place for Everything Bag, but I am not sure that Philip Jacobs fabric would go with the black zippers. I think I would really like those zippers to pop since they are so awesome.

This makes me think of the Pink Kaffe Quilt. That uses a lot of his fabrics and they go with the pink sashing. Perhaps solid pink for the center and some of the Philip Jacobs fabric for the outsides?

I might make two of these at a time – one for a friend who has been super kind to me lately. I could make  few and get gifts ready for later in the year. We’ll have to see.

The pouch is from Sara Lawson’s Minikins Season 3 group of patterns. Sara Lawson owns the Sew Sweetness website and pattern company. She was kind enough to allow me to use her photo while I muse on fabric choices for this pouch.

I know that you know how much I like her patterns. You can see how many of the Minikins patterns I have made. They even have their own page!

Leaf Scissor Cozy

Leaf Scissor Cozy
Leaf Scissor Cozy

I made another scissor cozy the other day to give as a hostess gift. As I said when I made Maria’s and Gerre‘s, I like making these. I don’t know if they are useful, but they are kind of a unique gift and something not everyone makes.

For once I remembered to quilt the piece before cutting it out. It was quite a bit of quilting, but I think it looks nice.

I can’t quite decide how long to make the leash, so this one is pretty long.

I used some fabric I have had for ages, which turned out well.

Finished: Ends n.12: Pop Parade

The long lost and latest addition to my Ends quilt series, Ends n.12: Pop Parade, is finished. I mentioned it the other day in my design wall post. I decided just to make a back and call it done.

Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) donation top and back
Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) donation top and back

Ends n.12 is another in the series of quilts I am making using the cut off edges of quilt backs. This quilt, as mentioned, uses Pop Parade, the never-ending fat quarter pack.

This was mostly done. I had to sew a piece or two on, but mostly I had to make the back.

Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) - back
Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) – back

The back uses the rest of that Italian Restaurant fabric I talked about recently.

This will go to Peggy at the next Sew Day.

See all of the Ends quilt on their own series page.

Rainbow Pincushion Project

Started Rainbow Pincushion
Started Rainbow Pincushion

I started this Rainbow pincushion after receiving the pieces and parts as part of the Happy Box from Sew Hungry Hippie.

The Happy Box is a subscription box, but not a fabric and projects subscription box exclusively. I received my first one towards the beginning of the month and really enjoyed the contents.

One of the things it included was a kit for this rainbow pincushion. The top was foundation paper pieced, which gave me the opportunity to try the Quilter’s Select FPP paper in a small way.

All of the pieces were cut and ready to sew, so I just started making it. I don’t really need another pincushion, but WTH? It is cheerful looking.

La Pass Month 8 All Basted

La Pass Month 8 basted
La Pass Month 8 basted

I cut and basted a few of those damn triangles at a couple of meetings last week, but did the bulk of the work at Sew Day. I divided up the different shapes and alternated the skinny triangles with all the other shapes. I got the basting done and was able to do a bit of stitching before Sew Day was over.

I also sewed in the evening, so I have a good start for Month 8.

Feathered Star Quilt/Block

I have wanted to make a Feathered Star quilt or, at least a block, for a long time. It has been on my Dream/Future Project list for a long time.

I first got interested in the Feathered Star design when I heard Marsha McCloskey speak at a guild meeting. She has worked with the Feathered Star design for most of her career. She has also written books, designed fabric and created tools. Most Modern quiltmakers have probably never heard of her. I consider her to be one of the greats.

Recently, I received the two EQ Feathered Star Add-ons as a gift. Now I have no excuse for not making SOMETHING with this design.

As another sign from the universe, I saw a Barbara Brackman blog post where she talks about Feathered Star. I think some of the blocks would appeal to modern quiltmakers. The way the dye has faded gives them an interesting asymmetrical look.

I am thinking about making a Feathered Star laid out like a Lone Star – one block very large. I also plan to make it as complicated as I can stand (like the large red/blue option in the Feathered Stars #1 above) so that it looks impressive. I have looked through the EQ options, but only cursorily. I need to look at them further and decide.

Do you have any experience with Feathered Star quilts or blocks?

Door Prizes

Door Prizes by Month
Door Prizes by Month

I am leading the door prize team again this year for the guild. I finally got around to organizing all of the things I have. What I do is lay them all out, sort them by month and then put them in ziploc bags with with the month written on the outside. I try to create themes, like red or hearts for February, but I don’t mandate what my team members make, so sometimes I have to make due. Nobody has ever complained.

When the month comes along, I can grab a ziploc, stuff it in a bag and go to the meeting. Usually, I have to do this in advance so I can take a picture and send it to Maria. She needs info in advance for the hybrid part of the meeting. Theoretically, I can put the bag together at the last minute and just go, but I almost never do that.

BAM Door prized organized
BAM Door prized organized

I used the fabulous Poolside Tote that Angela made for me as a thank you for organizing the officer gifts for a few years. I love that bag. It is great for this purpose. Sometime I’ll use it for something else, but for now, it works really well for this purpose

Carrie's contribution
Carrie’s contribution

Carrie is a fantastic team member. She recently put together zipper pouches for the monthly prizes that are super useful.

These items arrived in a zipper pouch, so all I had to do was toss the zipper pouch in my plastic bag. I did take one out so I could take a photo. I think having an extra pair of scissors is always useful.

Drawstring bags by Sue
Drawstring bags by Sue

Sue G sent along some small drawstring bags she made. You can see some of Sue’s in the picture at the top, but I mentioned them when I received them. She did a great job fussy cutting.

Sue G's Drawstring Bag
Sue G’s Drawstring Bag

Drawstring bags are popular this year as I received a large one from Cyndi for March, then I received another one from Sue G. It is really pretty. I love the piecing. The ties are also perfect. I believe both Sue G and Cyndi used the In Color Order Drawstring bag pattern.

Cheri never comes to meetings, but she always contributes to the door prize bags as well. This year she made some gift bags like I make for holidays.

Canvas Jane Market Tote (outie)
Canvas Jane Market Tote (outie)

Sue S donated some canvas bags I can use to carry all the gifts and the recent French canvas bags I made are for door prizes.

We need a few more bags, but are coming along.

La Passacaglia Month 8

La Pass Month 8 BOM kit
La Pass Month 8 BOM kit

La Pass Month 8 arrived. I am so excited. I had less than a week of no La Pass and it made me crazy. It made me crazy even though I worked on the Half Hexie EPP.

I get so much satisfaction out of the La Pass monthly BOM work. It is especially good now that I have dedicated time and I am not stressed out trying to finish each month knowing I don’t have enough time.

Gerre’s Scissor Cozy

Scissor Cozy for Gerre
Scissor Cozy for Gerre

Back in January I made a scissor cozy for Maria. I decided, at the same time, to make one for Gerre for her birthday.

I really like this project. It is pretty quick, has room for customizations (see leash) and can be made, mostly, with supplies on hand.

As with Maria’s I upsized this one. I don’t know what size scissors Gerre has, but I am sure she will find a use for this.