26 Projects – August Update

I said, last time, that I am sick of this list, that it felt a bit tyrannical to me. I decided that I would ignore the list for awhile and see what happened. What has happened so far is I am designing a whole cloth quilt. I have a rotator cuff injury that may have … Continue reading “26 Projects – August Update”

26 Projects – July Update

I have been in Chicago for work for a week and have had no opportunity to sew. I thought about bringing some handwork, but, in the end, just brought a book, my journal (especially to do studies for the Creative Prompt Project) and my iPad. Prior to leaving, I saw a clear theme in my … Continue reading “26 Projects – July Update”

26 Projects April Update

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have moved the finished pieces off. 23 WIPs left! I had to add two more projects to the list. I can’t believe I forgot about the Stepping Stones. Also, I have a Super Secret project that I did, but it took me … Continue reading “26 Projects April Update”

Various & Sundry 2012 #5

Fabric I fell off the fabric wagon. I was trying really hard to be restrained (Nota bene: I am NOT saying “refrain from”) about buying fabric. I kept it up for awhile, then there was a sale and that temptress, Joyce at Quilting Adventures showed me some photos of my favorite (if I had to … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2012 #5”

26 Projects Update – March 2012

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have moved the finished pieces off. 22 WIPs left!  Stars for San Bruno #3: Quilted; applying binding Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding. Jelly Roll Race: top cut into diamonds. Sashing being applied; diamonds being sewn together into chunks. Original Bullseye: … Continue reading “26 Projects Update – March 2012”

Spiderweb Revisited

One thing I have learned (or hope I have learned)is that projects get stale for me. This means that I need to focus on them, get them done and move on. Have I said this before? I think so. I am reiterating it here. I have a stack of various sized strips I have been … Continue reading “Spiderweb Revisited”

Various & Sundry #22

I know that many of you are embroiled in pies and turkeys today. My pies are done; turkey is defrosted and waiting to be cooked tomorrow. I have to prepare stuffing for the turkey and find the tablecloths. For those of you who are not busy cooking and baking, here is a Various & Sundry … Continue reading “Various & Sundry #22”

Various & Sundry 2011 #16

CPP Responses Danny Gregory doesn’t truly respond to the Creative Prompt, but his drawings can provide inspiration. He took his son, Jack, Paris and has posted wonderful drawings of their time there. Do not be intimidated. Be inspired. Strive to draw every day so you can achieve something like his drawings in the future. Everyone … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2011 #16”

Quilt Assistant Needed

Last weekend, I accidentally hit the foot pedal after I had put on the quarter inch foot and before I had changed the stitch setting from zigzag back to straight stitch. The needle hit the metal foot and the machine (Janome 9000, 15+ years old) didn’t sound right after that. It didn’t sound terrible, but … Continue reading “Quilt Assistant Needed”

Merry & Bright Wrap Progress

TFQ came to stay last weekend. She and I wedged a visit in even though we had a family event in the middle of her visit. One of the things *I* like to do when she is here is get her opinion about my various projects. Often I get stuck and need to move forward … Continue reading “Merry & Bright Wrap Progress”

Quilting at the DeYoung

I volunteered to go and help demonstrate quilting at the deYoung Museum in San Francisco last Friday with the East Bay Heritage Quilters. I took the Chocolate Box with me so I could show how quilts are finished. I had done this “stunt quilting” at the museum before – when the Esprit collection was being … Continue reading “Quilting at the DeYoung”