Dale Fleming Class

I took the Dale Fleming circles class through EBHQ last weekend. Short Answer: AWESOME. I was a little skeptical when I saw the supply list and began trying to gather the items required for the class. I talked about this class a few times in various posts in the last few months. The supplies required … Continue reading “Dale Fleming Class”

Various & Sundry Thursday

I have been, slowly, responding to ancient emails and dealing with setting up my computer again as I try to recover from the crash. Below is a lot of different things that I have been thinking about or looking into. Exhibits As a result the new mystical powers of my computer, I listened to a … Continue reading “Various & Sundry Thursday”

Making Yesterday (Inspiration Board)

What I want to do is get more organized in my workroom. It is difficult, because my budget for redoing this room is virtually non-existent. Other house rejuvenation priorities come first. I had all the makings of a bulletin board ready to go last week. I took a coupon to Beverly’s and bought a large … Continue reading “Making Yesterday (Inspiration Board)”

More Odds and Ends

Judy Martin Video I really like Judy Martin and always have. I especially love her block books, but they are old and she doesn’t seem to be publishing those types of books anymore. I love block books, but think I am in the minority. I kind of wish she wouldn’t rush out her books, but … Continue reading “More Odds and Ends”

House & Garden Finished!

I know I showed this earlier this week, but I wanted it to have its own celebratory post. House & Garden Finished!!! This quilt was started in Pamela Allen’s class at EBHQ in May 2007. Two years, almost to the day later. Hopefully, the ones I started last month at CQFA won’t take that long

Inspiration Wednesday

Ok, you might think this is a hideous and weird looking carpet. The colors are fairly….interesting. What I like about this carpet is that: there is a strong layering effect. It reminds me of the Gabrielle Swain class I took from EBHQ last year. It gives me great ideas about layering fabrics to make a … Continue reading “Inspiration Wednesday”

The AHA Moment

I have been in class for the past two days with Pamela Allen. Pamela is much more than a quilt teacher. She is truly an art teacher who works and encourages work in fabric. I had THE Aha moment in her class today and it really thrilled me. I could feel the difference in my … Continue reading “The AHA Moment”

Saturday Project

I brought two projects to the CQFA meeting yesterday and didn’t even finish one. Better safe than sorry, I say! The first was the Pamela project that I started at EBHQ in a class with Pamela. I want to get this done before she comes out for the next class in April. If I can … Continue reading “Saturday Project”

PIQF 2008 Day 1

PICT2528 Originally uploaded by jlapac TFQ and I went to the PIQF Preview tonight and it was wonderful. Apparently, most people who attend, attend to shop. I saw two ladies leaving with Jem Platinums! We have started to attend the preview in order to take photos. I barely looked at the quilts, but just shot … Continue reading “PIQF 2008 Day 1”

FOTY Progress

I sat down today and sewed together all of the FOTY pieces I had cut. I had two batches from a number of sources. The one belowwas from my Memorial Day Weekend travels. The rest of the fabric was from a rip or wo to new Pieces, the fabric I bought while TFQ was here … Continue reading “FOTY Progress”

Another One Night Stand

Today I made fast art again, which, on this blog, is called a One Night Stand. Start to finish is all one session. A One Night Stand here has nothing to do with sex. EBHQ, the East Bay Heritage Quilters, had a workshop with with Nance O’Banion. She is the head of the printmaking department … Continue reading “Another One Night Stand”