Breakage by SueG

SueG’s entries were amazing! I didn’t know she entered so many projects into the Fair.

Breakage by SueG
Breakage by SueG

This is Breakage by one of my friends (and student). It is her own design and I am so proud of her. She won a ribbon at the Fair as you can see.

She said that she was able to make this quilt, because of what I taught her in the quilt class. That made me feel SOO good.

I have been wanting to write about her quilt, Breakage, for awhile and seeing it at the Fair meant that I could take a photo and then would be able to write about it.

One of the things I teach is that knowing all the techniques allows you to have the skills to not only design your quilts, but actually put them together. Sue knew how to sew and how to make quilts when she joined my class, but she has much more confidence now and is really making some amazing works. Breakage is just one of them.

Repost: Fair Wrap

I have permission from Laura M to repost this email I received from the Fair. I have edited some parts that no longer apply.

If you didn’t read Monday’s post, I talked a little about my entries and the guild entries. I’ll write some more about other quilts and entries I saw.


San Mateo County Fair Logo
San Mateo County Fair Logo

Message from Home & Floral Arts Department Supervisor Laura McHugh

Laura M, HomeArts Supervisor
Laura M, HomeArts Supervisor

Thank you for entering the 2024 Home Arts Fair, sponsoring an award, volunteering and providing a demonstration.  We had 225 quilts and 475 entries overall in Home Arts and 53 people participate in the Community Quilt we gave away today to a lucky winner of the raffle.

We are seeing an uptick from the impact of COVID closures on our department and hope to continue that upward trend with even more entries.

Sweepstakes Award for Home Arts Exhibitor of the Year
We will be reintroducing the department Sweepstakes Award for Exhibitor of the Year in 2025. This award goes to the entrant with the most total points award for winning entries (1st is 5 points; 2nd is 3 points; 3rd is 1 point). This is your combined department total, not just in any one area such as quilts. So get your pieces started now.

Home & Floral Arts Theme for 2025
The theme for 2025 will be 50 years/1975
. This was the unofficial year of the revival of quilting, so get your 1970s game on for this special award.

Please do send me any suggestions you have for improving the Fair and our part in it to me. We start planning meetings with Fair Operations in August, so I will be happy to pass along your comments.

Special Award Winners

Here is a list of our 42 Special Award Winners in Home Arts. Congratulations to all the winners. I am humbled by the beauty of all your entries.

2024 Home Arts Special Award Winners

* * * Congratulations * * * 

Best 90s Theme in a Home Arts Entry

    • Andrea Molinari

Best Floral Theme in a Home Arts Entry

    • Jackie Bell

People’s Choice Quilt

    • Wendy Kennedy

Best in Show Needlework

    • Meredith Angle

Best in Show Sewing Entry

    • Jess Millikan

Best in Show Textiles Entry

    • Christina Huth

Best in Show Crocheted Entry

    • Jeanette Funcke

Best Needlework Depiction of Flowers

    • Meredith Angle

Best in Show Knitting Entry

    • Lynn Curry

Best in Show Smocked Entry

    • Margaret Harden

Best in Show Arts & Crafts

    • Linda Hughes

Best in Show Miniature Fairy House

    • Linda Hughes

Alice Lam Memorial Award – Best Use of the Color Blue in a Quilt

    • Grace Hardy

Margaret Ann Niven Memorial Award – Best Use of the Color Green in a Quilt

    • Jenn Etheridge

Lynn Simms Memorial Award – Best Use of Purple in a Quilt

    • Dorothea Copeck-Nolan

Jeanne Matysiak Tribute – Best One Block Wonder Quilt

    • Terry Casleton

Lynette Rodriques Tribute Quilt – Best Hawaiian Themed Quilt

    • Julie McAuliffe
Best of 2024
Best of 2024

Best Quilts

Best Traditional Quilt

    • Nick Martin

Best Modern Quilt

    • Gretchen Michaels

Best Applique Quilt

    • Angi Merlone

Best in Show Quilt

    • Randa Mulford

Best Division 620 Quilt (Original Design Quilted by Maker)

    • Kathy Carroll

Best Division 621 Quilt (Original Design Quilted by Another)

    • Sara Guyol

Best Division 622 Quilt (Original Design Quilted by Maker)

    • Kit Morse

Best Division 623 Quilt (Original Design Quilted by Another)

    • Wendy Kennedy

Best Division 624 Quilt (Group Quilt)

    • Julie McAuliffe

Best Division 625 Quilt (Specialty Quilts)

    • Randa Mulford

Best Division 626 Quilt (Challenge Quilts)

    • Angi Merlone

Jeanne Matysiak Tribute Quilt – One Block Wonder

    • Terry Casleton

Lynn Simms Memorial Award – Best Use of Purple in a Quilt

    • Best in Show Crocheted Entry

Best Coastal Theme in a Quilt

    • Jeanette Funcke

Judge’s Choice Awards

    • Textiles, Knitting, Crochet, Needlework and Arts & Crafts
        • Mary Dare
        • Betty Tang Fitzpatrick
        • Jeanette Funcke
        • Laura Larkin
        • Rebecca Stecker
        • Mona Ten
    • Quilting
        • Diane Costello
        • Grace Hardy
        • Wendy Kennedy
        • Angi Merlone
        • Gretchen Michaels
        • Penny Streeter


It is really interesting to see the various special awards, like the ones about using purple and green. I made a One Block Wonder once. Remember The Peacock? I probably won’t make another quilt in that style, but I could make a tablerunner to enter into the theme category next year.

2024 Fair Pt.1

I attended the Fair last weekend with my wonderful SIL#3 and some great friends, including the fabulous Friend Julie. Her terrific husband Marc came along, too.

Colorblocks 3: Second Place San Mateo County Fair 2024
Colorblocks 3: Second Place San Mateo County Fair 2024

First, my quilt, Colorblocks #3, won second place. I always want first, but Julie won first and she deserved it. Her quilting was much better than mine.

I might need to make this quilt over again. I like it, but am not sure it hits the points I was hoping to hit. I need to look up my original notes on the iteration I wanted to make after I made Colorblocks 2. Good thing I have plenty of silk left.

The Enigma pouches
The Enigma pouches

Sadly, neither my nor Cindy’s Enigma pouches won anything. The big bags always win even though the one that won had NO zippers, NO hardware, nothing complicated.

Fortunately, Laura said she is breaking up that category so small bags are separated from large bags.

I only put in two entries, so I only got one prize this year. They  are reintroducing the Sweepstakes winner next year, so I’ll have to start collecting various projects to enter.

The challenge quilts were well hung (except for mine, which was at knee level) and there were many ribbons on them: 4 total. There is an award for the best quilt in the challenge category, but none of us won that one.

I’ll have some time this year to beef up my entries, so I will work on that. There is something really satisfying about entering the Fair. It’s a feeling I don’t get from entering regular quilt shows.

More Colorblocks

Colorblocks 3 blocks finished
Colorblocks 3 blocks finished

Before the Retreat, I finished all the blocks.

I ran out of fabric, so I had to find something to do about that. The first thing I did was buy more fabric, but I wasn’t 100% sure I was buying the right fabric. I decided to make some blocks in a different fabric and make it part of the design.

As I rummaged through various options, I found a grey ombre and had a brain wave. I made the last 4 blocks in the ombre using the gradation from dark to light. I thought the idea would look much more interesting than having all the blocks use the same background.

Colorblocks 3 top finished
Colorblocks 3 top finished

I pieced the quilt together and think my fabric choices were good. I tried to place the ombre patches, first, then the ombre blocks in such a way that they blended from dark to light with the other background fabric. I am really pleased with the way it turned out.

The silk is a bear to work with. I thought, at first, “I don’t need no stinkin’ interfacing”. I was wrong. I interfaced all the pieces after the first few and the silk was much more in control.

I have tons of silk left. Since the pieces are FQs, mostly, I can’t make a dress or anything. I don’t really want to make another silk quilt (I am not sure the effort was worth the outcome), so I don’t know what to do with the fabric I have left. I’ll have to think about it.

Colorblocks 3

Colorblocks 3 - EQ8 layout
Colorblocks 3 – EQ8 layout

Cyndi W suggested we all do a challenge for the Fair. This year it is a color challenge.

For fun, I looked in EQ8 to see if I had any old designs from the previous quilts. Colorblocks is way too old for there to be an EQ8 file. I made that quilt in 1990.


Silk FQs
Silk FQs

I wasn’t going to do it, because I have enough on my plate at the moment. Eventually,  I decided I would. I decided that it would be a good opportunity to finally use up that silk fabric I bought a long time ago. Back in the day, I had the intention of making another Colorblocks quilt, then never did. This project has been on my Dream Project list for awhile AND it will qualify for the President’s challenge this year. If I finish it, I will get a lot of bang for my quilt buck.

Colorblocks 3 tester block
Colorblocks 3 tester block

I am using the Square in a Square ruler I bought through the guild last year. I made a test block out of scraps to get a feel for how it would work. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. Except for the bias on the edges, I think it looks great.

I have some time and the piece will be small. Fingers crossed!

San Mateo County Fair 2022 Comparison

First place vs Second place
First place vs Second place

The quilt that won the blue ribbon in the category where I won second happened to be hung next to my quilt. The quilt that won is called Threads and is by Sara Guyol of San Mateo.

I like Sara’s quilt and the only reason I can think that her quilt is in the same category as mine is that they had to consolidate categories. Mine was entered into the Quilt top made by one person/pro quilted and the class was hand guided quilting – small quilt.

Sara Guyol's blue ribbon quilt -detail
Sara Guyol’s blue ribbon quilt -detail

I really think Sara’s quilt should have been in an embroidery category if there is an embroidered quilt category. Her quilt had a lot of Sue Spargo type embroidery on it. It was a really different style of quilt than my quilt. I think of the Fabric of the Year quilts as complex in design, but they are complex to design not to piece. As you know, there is a lot of moving of pieces around before the quilt gets sewn. Once everything is in place, the piecing is easy.

I don’t think the Fair really looks at design. Design is hard to judge, I know, but if they only look at technique, I will never win a blue ribbon. I am not angry about this. Sara’s quilt is amazing and I am pleased that she won. I’d love to meet her and wish there were a reception for the artists.

San Mateo County Fair Visit 2022

San Mateo County Fair 2022
San Mateo County Fair 2022

DH and I were both sick over the long holiday weekend. The illness lingered through the beginning of the Fair and through the day our extended family had decided to go together. I didn’t think we would be able to make it at all, but we decided to go last Saturday. I was not intending to see every single thing at the Fair and I made my desires clear: quilts and a frozen chocolate covered banana. I didn’t want to overdo it after resting and taking it easy for a few weeks.

I let DH pick what he wanted to see first, so we looked at the Commercial area first. It was sad. So many of the vendors and information booths we had seen before were not exhibiting. The vendors who made the effort were selling items of low quality or of no interest. I wish the Fair management would find a way to get artists to sell their wares.

After that, we went to see the quilts and other Home Arts. I saw Laura, the organizer of Home Arts, pretty soon after we arrived. She will be taking suggestions after she rests for a bit, but I talked with her about some things I thought were confusing. She also said that they had 75% of the entries they had pre-pandemic, which was a lot better than the other areas. I was pleased at the number of quilts even though it was obvious there were fewer.

BAM recycle/upcycle challenge
BAM recycle/upcycle challenge

BAM made a GREAT showing. In addition to my wins, I saw that Sue G., Joelle, Bonnie, and Cyndi all received awards of one kind or another. The upcycle/recycle challenge was shown in a prominent place.

Cyndi's Orphan block quilt
Cyndi’s Orphan block quilt

I saw one of the orphan block Sew Day quilts, Cyndi’s, which is a great effort. It is colorful and interesting to look at.

I was so impressed that she got her act together enough to get this into the Fair. I think it was made in April and since the deadline for entry and deliver are in different parts of May, it was a quick turnaround.

SIL#4 2022 Fair Entry
SIL#4 2022 Fair Entry

SIL#4 also won a prize for one of her knitted hats. I saw her hat before I saw either of my winners. It makes sense, though, as small knitted items are right at the front of the hall.

I was really pleased to see that my teaching paid off. Sue G., one student in a recent class (and member of the door prize team), put two quilts in the Fair and won prizes for both! I was thrilled beyond belief. She has been sewing a lot and practicing her skills, so the prizes were well deserved, but I was still thrilled. I’m not saying that I did everything, but I do take credit for instilling good habits and teaching good skills.

I was shocked at the prices. Everything had gone up. In some ways I felt like Fair management and the vendors were making me pay for the loss of two years worth of my attendance at the Fair:

Entry fee: $20.00 x 2 – $40.00

Parking:                          – $15.00

Ice Cream:                     – $16.50

Drink:                              – $10.00



minus free ticket:         $20.00




We didn’t even have lunch. I wondered how families with children were able to afford the costs just to get in? I told DH he had a year to figure out what to enter into the Fair next year so he could get a free ticket as well. By the time we got home, he had decided on a cell phone photo.


Fair Wins!

I always look forward to the Fair and make a point of entering.

I wasn’t well enough to go to the Fair last weekend with the family, but they were kind enough to send me photos of my wins as they walked the exhibits. I was SHOCKED to get two wins in the made-by-one-quilted-by-another category. That category is almost impossible to win in since there are so many entries. I am thrilled!

Fabric of the Year 2019 and Frolic! both won. Isn’t that purple ribbon pretty? I’ll have to see the details if I get to go to the Fair or when I get everything back.

Entering the Fair

After a two year hiatus, I entered the County Fair. I entered 3 items and hope I get free tickets.

My three items are:

I kind of wanted to enter more things, but wasn’t sure what else to enter or I don’t have the thing anymore. Also, I am busy, I don’t have time to figure out all the divisions, etc, especially now that they are only giving prize money for first place. Phooey on that! I really wanted to enter Flying Around, which has had no outing at all. It was, however, finished in 2019 and that seems like a long time ago in Fair years.

Super Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

A long time ago one of my quilts won a ribbon at the Marin Needlearts Guild show. That is probably the best prize I have ever gotten. I feel like that prize came from a real quilt show and the quilt did deserve to win.

Still winning at the San Mateo County Fair is pretty great, too. I did win at the Fair. I entered 3 items: two quilts and a pillow. I did not expect the quilts to win, because the ‘made by one/pro quilted’ category is really impacted. I did expect to win with the pillow based on SIL2’s analysis of the best categories to enter to get a prize.

Aqua-Red Sampler with prize
Aqua-Red Sampler with prize

First, the Aqua-Red Sampler Quilt got First place. As you know, I made these blocks in one of my sampler quilt classes. I am pretty pleased that this won. The two color scheme has an impact. Also, Colleen did spectacular quilting and the quilting shows. Definitely click on the image so you can see the detail of the quilting. I am really happy that the judges were able to appreciate this quilt. I think it looks a little modern, but I didn’t dare enter it in that category.

Under the Sea Embellished pillow
Under the Sea Embellished pillow

Second, despite reports to the contrary Under the Sea did win a prize. It won Third Place, which is fine. I am pleased that it won at all, because it was so much work and took so many years to finish. I could have gone on stitching, but this category gave me a deadline and finishing this piece got one more hand project off my list.

Metroscape with ribbon
Metroscape with ribbon

Finally, Metroscape won. WOW! This was a huge surprise. I did enter it into the Modern category in hopes of giving it a better chance, but I really didn’t expect anything. There it was hanging with a Second Place ribbon on it.

I enter quilts because I make them and want people to see them. I didn’t, as I said, expect to win. I don’t know what prizes I will get, but I know I will get a prize for each winner.

3 entries -> 3 prizes. Pretty amazing.


Fair Entries 2019

Last year I let you know what projects I entered into the fair. I saw the post by accident and can’t really believe another year has gone by. I didn’t wait until the last minute this year. Cyndi was kind enough to collect a bunch of entries at the BAM meeting to take to the fair. I gave her mine since it is much easier to have someone else drop them off. I think I’ll have to give her a gift or take her to lunch, because she really does save me a lot of time and energy.

I didn’t enter as much this year as I only wanted the free tickets. I know it is pretty callous, but it is true. There are so many quilts in the pieced-by-one, quilted-by-another category that I have no hope ever of winning for a quilt. I can usually win in the paper category, but didn’t finish the piece that I started with Nancy and Maureen.

SIL2 figured out that the embellishment category was the least populated so we had the best chance of winning, thus I had incentive to finish Under the Sea.


Under the Sea was entered.

Metroscape - finished
Metroscape – finished

Since Metroscape is pretty unusual, in that I haven’t seen a lot of finished quilts using the Quick Curve Ruler, I thought I might have a tiny chance, despite it being in that overcrowded category.

I really ended up liking the Aqua-Red Sampler. It is a striking quilt. Though I have no hope of winning anything with it, I wanted someone to see it and entered it anyway.

We’ll see what happens.

San Mateo County Fair Winners

I talked about my entries a few weeks ago. Once I get to the fair, I like to go and look at my entries right away to see what I won, if anything.

I got some prizes, but not many. Of my entries, two got prizes, the paper wreath which I expected and the Planned Improv quilt, which I did not. It is almost a guarantee I will not get a prize for a quilt, so i was thrilled to even get an Honorable Mention in any quilt category.

I was sad that none of these projects got prizes. The Flapper apron is probably the most ordinary of all of the projects, but it does have a great shape and interesting construction. The others are all very creative, especially the fabric placement on the Cal Shirt and the way I created a corset look on the Superheroine apron. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. I did well last year, so I can’t complain too much.

I have some quibbles with the categories. They don’t have a bag category and they should. There were a number of bags and the bags have to compete against everything in the sewn accessories-non garment category. My Zip Away organizer would have been better in a bag category.

I also think they need an apron category. There were a lot of aprons and mine would have done better it they weren’t competing against a tailored jacket.

I really worked hard on the shirt, especially finishing the inside seams with French seams, so it was letdown not to get any prizes at all for it. It will be interesting to see what they say.

SIL #2 cleaned up. She got four prizes including a first for her fabulous two-sided shell table runner. I did well last year; it was her turn this year.


San Mateo County Fair 2017

The Fair is held in June and with the YM’s broken ankle and a big new client, it took me awhile to get this post together. Here it is.

San Mateo County Fair Prizes 2017
San Mateo County Fair Prizes 2017

I was tempted to call this post 4 Entries, 4 Prizes, but I thought that might a bit too much self congratulation. It is true, however. I entered four items into the fair and received four prizes.

FOTY 2015
FOTY 2015

SIL and I have determined that the way to get prizes is to enter items into the non-quilt categories. I received monetary prizes for everything but the quilt, which received an honorable mention and more criticism on my binding as well as criticism that my seams don’t match. I was annoyed at that since there was maybe 2 seams that didn’t match. I work very hard on my piecing so it looks good. I suppose they have to find something to criticize. The point about my binding was grudgingly well taken. I had no idea what they meant, but SIL showed me what she thought they meant and I took her advice to heart when I did the binding on the Peacock.

Apron - 2017
Apron – 2017

I need to make another apron, so, perhaps, I will wait and enter that in the fair in 2018. In fairness, my niece has been waiting for this apron, so it might be a little annoying for her to wait another year. Perhaps I’ll make two.

The fussy cutting on the apron was worth it. There was a comment that they really liked the way I used the fabric. They also liked it that I finished the seams.

California Shirt with ribbon
California Shirt with ribbon

They did not like that I did not finish the seams on the California shirt. I kind of knew that when I was working on it. I wanted to make French seams like I do on the pillowcases, but just didn’t do it.

Now I want to make another shirt with French or finished seams. It might be a good way to learn to use a serger.

I have lots of pictures of exhibits to show, so I’ll see about writing some more posts on the Fair in general.


Viewing the San Mateo County Fair Quilts

As I mentioned, I went to the county fair last week. When is yours? Have you gone? Have you entered?

I decided to take photos only of quilts I really liked or quilts which inspired me in some way. I still took about 100 photos total. I am not going to share all of them here, but my upload them to Flickr at some point.

Zebras at the Watering Hole by Elaine Lindsay, San Carlos
Zebras at the Watering Hole by Elaine Lindsay, San Carlos

One of the first quilts, after I found my winner, to catch my attention was a quilt with a round motif. I found out, from a fellow quiltmaker also looking at the quilts, that this was a class held at the Peninsula Quilters Guild and the technique was called Circle Pizazz. There is a book on the style by Judy Sisneros and she has templates for sale on her website to make the process easier. I got the impression that there was a bundle of the book and the templates, but I don’t see it anywhere.

There were a number of these quilts. I often get annoyed when I see duplicates, but I was intrigued this time by the differences in them. I was pleased to see the effect when different fabrics were used. This was an example of the power of quiltmaking: same pattern, completely different quilts.

Elaine Lindsay’s (above) was one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. The turquoise with the black on white and white on black fabrics is very striking.

Leila Sigler, Palomar Park
Circles, Leila Sigler, Palomar Park
Circles, Leila Sigler, Palomar Park
Circles, Leila Sigler, Palomar Park

The indigo version is wonderful as well. It looks like it is constructed slightly differently,  but it could be that the fabrics are so different that it just looks like it is constructed in a different way.

I admire the indigo fabrics for a lot of reasons, but have never wanted to collect them. I saw this quilt and immediately thought of TFQ and her collection of indigos. It also made me think that if I had a collection that would make this quilt, it would be a good use of the fabrics. However, it has been done, so why bother?

I have to say that part of the attraction of this quilt is that Sigler did not add a bunch of other fabrics in. She kept the choices simple and that creates an elegance.

The other thing I thought when I first saw these quilts is that they look like my Flowering Snowball.

I am also really glad to see people make quilts that have more difficult patterns. I think it is great and adds a lot more variety to quilt shows.

By Zan Murzelloe, San Jose
By Zan Murzelloe, San Jose

I thought this baking/kitchen applique’ quilt was quite whimsical. I also liked the colors. I thought they were nice and soft, but the red and orange add some punch to keep it from being boring.

I went straight to the quilts when we arrived and told the boys they could wander off, if they wanted. My nephew surprised me, and, I think, my son, by wanting to stay and look at the quilts for a bit. It was an interesting and enlightening experience. It was good to get an idea of what he likes, which was not at all what I thought he would like.

Lone Star by Rosalie Applebaum of Menlo Park
Lone Star by Rosalie Applebaum of Menlo Park

The black and white quilts attracted his attention. I think part of his interest may have been the pattern. One that interested him was a Stack-n-Whack in black and whites. He also liked the Lone Star by Rosalie Applebaum of Menlo Park. I guess when his turn comes up in the Niece-phews series, I’ll think about making him a black and white quilt.

There were a lot of great quilts at the show.  I encourage you to visit your local county fair and local quilt shows and see what people are making. There will be a lot more appreciation if we encourage each other in this way.