As you know, I have been to a Kaffe Fassett lecture before. There elements of commonality between this lecture and the last one, but it was just different enough to keep my interest. Also, I did enjoy revisiting elements of the lecture that I had heard before.

Kaffe is a good lecturer. He is interesting, enthusiastic and funny. I wanted to be his best friend as I sat there and listened to him speak. As part of the lecture fee, I got his latest book. I love the colors and the fabrics (of course) and somehow some of the quilts in this book speak to me. I am not particularly enamoured, in general. I don’t dislike them; I just don’t really think about them. These quilts are all medallion quilts and many of them are wonderful. I think it has to be the fabric.

First, Friend Julie and I met up at a Mediterranean restaurant. We have been going Med instead of Mexican because of some allergy issues she is having. It is great to test out some new dishes. It expands my GF horizons beyond corn tortillas.
I was pretty excited when I found out that they made their Moussaka with rice flour. I was finally able to try it after reading about it The Shell Seekers for years. It wasn’t very spicy. In a way, it was like eating a lasagna with eggplant instead of pasta. I enjoyed it immensely.
After dinner, where I stuffed myself silly, we headed over to the venue and waited in a not-too-long line. Fortunately, they were well organized and we were in the hall with our books in no time. While we waited for Kaffe, we poured over the book. We spent time looking at the photos and ooohing and aaahing. The photos, fabrics and colors are fantastic.

The lecture started late with an introduction by Brandon Mably before Kaffe came out. He talked about their journey, where they were going and a few other things.
Kaffe’s lecture started with his childhood in Nepenthe near Big Sur. It isn’t very far from here and near where Friend Julie lives. Some of his lecture was similar to the last one we attended. It was, however, different enough that I wanted more. I couldn’t have listened to him for weeks.
I really need to find a class I want to take with him. I want a class that I can’t do without him as a teacher. I am not sure he teaches that way.