Block-a-Long #24: Sideways Rectangle 4 Patch

Sideways Rectangle 4 Patch #24
Sideways Rectangle 4 Patch #24

This looks similar to the block from last week, Off Center 4 Patch Rectangle. There are some differences in the cutting, but you could make a second version of last week’s block and use that instead.

Here the very simple Sideways Rectangle 4 Patch Directions

If you have made blocks or a quilt from these patterns, please post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr group. I would love to see what you have made.


BAMQG October Block Exchange #1
BAMQG October Block Exchange #1

I have mixed feelings about 12″ blocks. They are big. I don’t like making them, because they take up so much fabric. I can’t use scraps, in general for them. However, I seem to be making a lot of them lately. I can use up a lot of fabric making 12″ blocks. I can also use these large expanses of patchwork to showcase the luscious large prints that I adore.

The latest batch of 12″ squares are 9 patch blocks for BAMQG. Not only are the 12″ finished, but they are also Halloween colors. Not my favorite, but not brown and beige either. I was kind of hoping I didn’t win the blocks (I didn’t), but then I remembered the Disappearing 9 Patch. I thought that this group wouldn’t be as controlled as the Food Quilt, but using the Disappearing 9 Patch pattern would also alleviate the large expanse of fabric problem.

Any size 9 Patches are so easy to make that they are like candy. I don’t seem to be able to make just one.

2 9 Patches
2 9 Patches
Adrianne's Lozenge 9 Patch
Adrianne's Lozenge 9 Patch

It turned out that we were able to use any 9 patch grid pattern not just the regular simple 9 patch. I am not sure why I didn’t know that.

I had a problem with my camera and didn’t take many photos, but people did some really great blocks and wonderful color combinations. I have that lozenge shape on my mind, so Adrianne’s block (left) really appealed to me. I think that it is more Fall than Halloweenish, but still a very nice block, and one I might want to try sometime. My blocks looked a little sad in comparison.

Angela's Rose
Angela's Rose

Local quilt work is really good and the BAMQGers work is no exception. Angela, in particular, is really taking off in terms of work. Kathleen asked me to write down the names and descriptions of the quilts as she took photos, so I didn’t hear all the details about this quilt. I do know that she took a class in reverse applique and that this technique was different from traditional reverse applique’. I really am excited that Angela is trying new things and really pushing herself in her quilt work.

Her Kona Challenge quilt was accepted into the New Quilts for Northern California along with the Zig Zaggy quilt.

The next challenge will be with a line called Heirloom. I am not familiar with it, but what I saw of it I liked. This is a guild sponsored challenge. Adrianne was going to hand out fabric, but the block the group voted on required some solids, which people wanted to coordinate, so there was a little back and forth about that. The Board decided to decide what to do about the solid and hand out fabric next month. I am not going to do that challenge, because I don’t want to do a challenge where the fabric and block are dictated to me. I like the Roman strip block, but not enough to take time away from my own projects.

C&T Goodies
C&T Goodies

The awesome, Lisa, at C&T sent us a prize pack. We did a giveaway and I handed out all the postcards. I asked her for the Studio Color Wheel postcards to hand out and she sent me a giant box of goodies, including a copy of the Studio Color Wheel, which Deborah won, and an Ultimate Color Tool.

There was a lot of business and I felt the generational gap hit me. I like to have some privacy online (I know I am walking the line having a  blog and a big online presence) and that view isn’t shared by some of the younger crowd at the meeting. I felt old.

Creative Prompt #124: Anger

Yes, it has been an angry and busy week for me, thus the inspiration for today’s word (better late than never right?).

Controlling anger before it controls you

12 Angry Men

Anger management

Definition: Anger is an automatic response to ill treatment. It is the way a person indicates he or she will not tolerate certain types of behaviour. It is a feedback mechanism in which an unpleasant stimulus is met with an unpleasant response. (great definition, don’t you think?)

The Anger of Achilles, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo depicts the Greek hero attacking Agamemnon. (painting)

Take charge of anger

Anger and aggression

Manage anger and overcome aggression

channel your anger

anger disorder (who knew?)

Quote: A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life. Christopher Morley

Quote: Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them. James Fallows

Quote: “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,” spoken by Zara in Act III, Scene VIII.[1] (This is usually paraphrased as “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”) William Congreve (I always thought the quote was”Hell hath no fury like a woman’s anger” You get the idea, just go with it)

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.

Block-a-Long #23: Off Center 4 Patch Rectangle

Off Center 4 Patch Rectangle #23
Off Center 4 Patch Rectangle #23

This blocks is similar to the four patch and the other rectangle block I have posted, which I called Rectangle Four Patch.

This blocks is slightly off center, so the squares and rectangle are slightly different sizes than what you have been cutting.
This block is also suitable for 3 fabrics.

Off Center 4 Patch Rectangle Directions

If you have made blocks or a quilt from these patterns, please post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr group. I would love to see what you have made.

Creative Prompt #123: Butterfly

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
~Irish Blessing

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.

A butterfly is a mainly day-flying insect of the order Lepidoptera, the butterflies and moths.  (Wikipedia)

Madame Butterfly

Butterfly Restaurant, Pier 33 San Francisco

Butterfly table tennis and ping pong accessories

butterfly garden

the butterfly effect


butterfly wings


Block-a-Long #22: Square House

Square House #22
Square House #22

I have house blocks on my mind this week.

Chris from Quilt Bits sent me the directions to make a cover for a composition book. I bought one to test the directions (which I am sure are perfect!), but haven’t done it yet.

DH & I thought that having a book where we could write things about the house would be a good idea. I further thought that I would use Chris’ directions to make a cover for the composition book and incorporate a Liberated Quilting house block into the cover. I haven’t done it yet, but that whole thought process led me to the name for this block.

PDF Directions for Square House #22

If you have made blocks or a quilt, post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a=Long Flickr group.

Creative Prompt #122: Dress

A garment

special occasion dresses

formal dress

dress a salad

wedding dress

get dressed

dress your hair

put on a dress

wear a dress

dress-up box

dress code

dress uniform

dress rehersal

Dress quote: Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal and another quote “Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was six and my biggest problem was what kind of dress to put on Barbie or whether or not I had enough Legos to build a fort”

cocktail dress

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.

apply dressings

party dress

Definitions: [verb] a : to make or set straight b : to arrange (as troops) in a straight line and at proper intervals ; 2: to prepare for use or service; specifically : to prepare for cooking or for the table <dress a salad>; 3: to add decorative details or accessories to : embellish ; 4 a : to put clothes on <dress a child> b : to provide with clothing <feed and dress a growing family>; 5 archaic : dress down ; 6 a : to apply dressings or medicaments to <dress a wound> b (1) : to arrange (as the hair) by combing, brushing, or curling (2) : to groom and curry (an animal) c : to kill and prepare for market or for consumption —often used with out d : cultivate, tend; especially : to apply manure or fertilizer to <dress a field> e : to put through a finishing process; especially : to trim and smooth the surface of (as lumber or stone); [intransitive verb] 1a : to put on clothing b : to put on or wear formal, elaborate, or fancy clothes <dress for dinner>; 2 of a food animal : to weigh after being dressed —often used with out; 3: to align oneself with the next soldier in a line to make the line straight ; — dress ship : to ornament a ship for a celebration by hoisting national ensigns at the mastheads and running a line of signal flags and pennants from bow to stern

Definitions [noun]: 1: apparel, clothing; 2: an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt; 3: covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time; 4: a particular form of presentation : guise

Definition [adjective]: 1: suitable for a formal occasion <dress clothes> <dress shoes>; 2: requiring or permitting formal dress <a dress affair>; 3: relating to or used for a dress <dress material>

prom dress

bridesmaid dress


dress-up dolls

dress meat


Block-a-Long #21: Off Center 4 Patch

Off Center 4 Patch #21
Off Center 4 Patch #21

I love the 4 patch block. Mostly I like the simplicity, but I also like how it can be used as a building block for other blocks and projects.

You can use two fabrics, placing them on the diagonal from each other or you can use 4 fabrics for a more scrappy look.

This is block number 20 (I put up the 9 patch twice and haven’t replaced it yet), so I have made a quilt from all the blocks in the project to show you.

The quilt is made from all 20 blocks and you can see how complex it looks, even though each block is pretty easy to piece.

20 Block Quilt
20 Block Quilt

I probably wouldn’t put a black border on the quilt again, but it does contain the variety.

If you have made blocks or a quilt, post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a=Long Flickr group.

Creative Prompt #121: Aquarium

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.

My mind is on fish and the sea today. A friend was in Kauai and all I could think about was sand between my toes and laying on a lounge chair listening to the waves. A Creative prompt on the them is the closest I’ll get in the foreseeable future.

Definition: 1 : a container (as a glass tank) or an artificial pond in which living aquatic animals or plants are kept; 2: an establishment where aquatic organisms are kept and exhibited; e.g. not their natural environment

Seattle Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium

California Academy of Sciences

New York Aquarium

National Aquarium

Aquarium of the Pacific

Monterey Bay Aquarium

salt water aquarium

aquarium supplies

aquarium plants

fish tank

screen saver

Images of aquaria



Sketching #106

CPP Response #106: Kiss
CPP Response #106: Kiss

I had been wanting to do this response for awhile and just never seemed to get to it. The other day, while waiting for the Young Man to finish an appointment, I decided just to do it. I didn’t have all of my previous response sketchbooks to which to refer, so the interior might look different.

Check out the original prompt.

Block-a-Long #20: Fat Short Columns

Fat Short Columns #20
Fat Short Columns #20

Attractive name, eh? I couldn’t think of anything better. If I do, I might change the name.

This block is another easy one and very suitable for 4 fabrics.

Directions for Fat Short Columns #20.

You might think that the blocks are too simple, but when they are all put together in one quilt without sashing, they will make a very interesting quilt.

If you make this block, please put a link to it in the comments. If you do not have a blog or website, you can post it to the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr Group.

Sketching #116

I loved the video Danny Gregory shared and really tried hard to think about something fabulous to post for my response. I don’t know if what I have is fabulous (I mean, taking pictures of my breakfast for several mornings in a row. Really!), but I am satisfied. I do think I have a part 2 response in me, so stay tuned for that.

Creative Prompt #120: Willow

Willow (1988 movie)

Definition: Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix, around 400 species[2] of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved species are referred to as sallow (from Old English sealh, related to the Latin word salix, willow). Some willows (particularly arctic and alpine species) are low-growing or creeping shrubs; for example the Dwarf Willow (Salix herbacea) rarely exceeds 6 cm (2 in) in height, though spreading widely across the ground.

Willows are very cross-fertile, and numerous hybrids occur, both naturally and in cultivation. A well-known ornamental example is the Weeping Willow (Salix × sepulcralis), which is a hybrid of Peking Willow (Salix babylonica) from China and White Willow (Salix alba) from Europe. (Wikipedia)

Willow Danielle Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Willow Tree by Susan Lordi

Willow, Alaska

Weeping willow

Jane Sassaman’s Willow quilt

willow switch

Willow on Pinterest

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” – Bruce Lee, American Actor

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.


Block-a-Long #19: Backwards Flag

Backwards Flag #19
Backwards Flag #19

This very simple block reminded me of a flag motif, probably an American, Australian or Union Jack flag, since there is such a wide variety of flag designs. Also, the symmetry of various flag designs varies greatly. Another easy, small block. Backwards Flag are available.

All blocks are 6″ finished.

This block is probably best suited for 3 fabrics.

If you make this block, please put a link to it in the comments. If you do not have a blog or website, you can post it to the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr Group.