I have mixed feelings about 12″ blocks. They are big. I don’t like making them, because they take up so much fabric. I can’t use scraps, in general for them. However, I seem to be making a lot of them lately. I can use up a lot of fabric making 12″ blocks. I can also use these large expanses of patchwork to showcase the luscious large prints that I adore.
The latest batch of 12″ squares are 9 patch blocks for BAMQG. Not only are the 12″ finished, but they are also Halloween colors. Not my favorite, but not brown and beige either. I was kind of hoping I didn’t win the blocks (I didn’t), but then I remembered the Disappearing 9 Patch. I thought that this group wouldn’t be as controlled as the Food Quilt, but using the Disappearing 9 Patch pattern would also alleviate the large expanse of fabric problem.
Any size 9 Patches are so easy to make that they are like candy. I don’t seem to be able to make just one.

It turned out that we were able to use any 9 patch grid pattern not just the regular simple 9 patch. I am not sure why I didn’t know that.
I had a problem with my camera and didn’t take many photos, but people did some really great blocks and wonderful color combinations. I have that lozenge shape on my mind, so Adrianne’s block (left) really appealed to me. I think that it is more Fall than Halloweenish, but still a very nice block, and one I might want to try sometime. My blocks looked a little sad in comparison.

Local quilt work is really good and the BAMQGers work is no exception. Angela, in particular, is really taking off in terms of work. Kathleen asked me to write down the names and descriptions of the quilts as she took photos, so I didn’t hear all the details about this quilt. I do know that she took a class in reverse applique and that this technique was different from traditional reverse applique’. I really am excited that Angela is trying new things and really pushing herself in her quilt work.
Her Kona Challenge quilt was accepted into the New Quilts for Northern California along with the Zig Zaggy quilt.
The next challenge will be with a line called Heirloom. I am not familiar with it, but what I saw of it I liked. This is a guild sponsored challenge. Adrianne was going to hand out fabric, but the block the group voted on required some solids, which people wanted to coordinate, so there was a little back and forth about that. The Board decided to decide what to do about the solid and hand out fabric next month. I am not going to do that challenge, because I don’t want to do a challenge where the fabric and block are dictated to me. I like the Roman strip block, but not enough to take time away from my own projects.

The awesome, Lisa, at C&T sent us a prize pack. We did a giveaway and I handed out all the postcards. I asked her for the Studio Color Wheel postcards to hand out and she sent me a giant box of goodies, including a copy of the Studio Color Wheel, which Deborah won, and an Ultimate Color Tool.
There was a lot of business and I felt the generational gap hit me. I like to have some privacy online (I know I am walking the line having a blog and a big online presence) and that view isn’t shared by some of the younger crowd at the meeting. I felt old.
Aw, you’re so sweet. I really do feel like the inspiration and friendships I’ve had since getting more involved in the BAMQG this year have pushed me and gotten me so excited about learning more. I’m now even thinking about learning to dye fabric and trying my hand at art quilts, two things that a year ago I would have said I’m not interested in at all. And art journaling, even two months ago I wouldn’t have thought about doing that!!! I owe a big thanks to you for inspiring me! So THANK YOU!!!
You are pretty easy to inspire! You are so open and willing to try stuff. It is all fun, isn’t it?
“I like to have some privacy online (I know I am walking the line having a blog and a big online presence) and that view isn’t shared by some of the younger crowd at the meeting. I felt old.”
Ha! If you felt old, I would feel ancient.
You might feel ancient, but you are not ancient. You have a laugh that says you are young at heart.