Creative Prompt #12: Source

Summary: new creative prompt for the week.

The word of the day the other day was ‘withdrawal’, which really spoke about going to a space where you can rejuvenate yourself. This reading made me think of a source of creativity and where that comes from. What is your source of creativity? How often do you draw on the source?

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the specific URL or deep link where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is an easy and good way to keep all the artwork together.

There is more creative goodness on the Creative Prompt Page.

Sketching #10

Beacon #11
Beacon #11

Ok, girls and boys and I am finally caught up with all of the prompts and I have an idea for an upcoming prompt! Is it fair for me to do prompts ahead of time? Hhmm.. I think that if it gets done, it is all good.

There is an interesting contrast between white space and color in this drawing. I am wondering if the door needs some more detail. Not sure now, but can always go back and add it later. I’ll have to look at some doors and see what I think.

Please contribute. Summer is coming and it will be a great time to be creative.

Sketching #11

Creative Prompt Response to Light (#11)
Creative Prompt Response to Light (#11)

Somehow this story that I seem to be creating is really important. I don’t feel like I am a good enough artist to really do it justice like some of the artists in recent books I have read, but I keep plugging away.

I did a series of the creative prompts all at once listening to music and it was really a different experience. I really got into a creative zone and that felt good.

Creative Prompt #11: Light

What you see or how heavy you are?

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a good way to keep all the artwork together.

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page.

Sketching #5

Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)
Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)

This drawing is kind of the culmination of a series of flower doodles that I did in a journal I used in the middle of last year. I got on a flower kick and just couldn’t stop drawing them.

I don’t feel very proficient at some of the technical aspects of the drawings, but it is fun to try and work out the little problems. I am kind of glad I am doing a bit of a series, because I can work out and improve some of the aspects in the later drawings.

I have an idea for a flower/picnic quilt and think that the flowers may be studies for the flowers I will use in that quilt.

I know that all of my sketches are out of order. As a inherently organized person, this is driving me crazy. I can’t, however, with good conscience back date them, so here they are in all their glory.

I think I may be caught up except for Beacon and I have an idea for that one. It is a technique, though and not an image. I really have to check, though to make sure.

Creative Prompt #10: Beacon

A lighthouse is a beacon.

Beacon of hope.

See the Creative Prompt page if you want more resources or have questions about this project. See other creative prompts and their responses by clicking on ‘Creative Prompt’ in the tag cloud.

Post the direct URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a useful way of  keeping all the artwork together.

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page.

Creative Prompt Response: Dream (#8)

Summary: response to dream creative prompt

Final piece, stripes and prints
Final piece, stripes and prints

I know I showed this quilt on Saturday, but I realized that I am dreaming of flowers and the beach and of all things cheerful. After the Pamela Allen class, I really want to make a larger piece using her techniques. I wish I was at Asilomar with her and could work on it under her guidance. Someday.

Creative Prompt #9: Orange

What do you think about Orange? Orange is the creative prompt for this week.

Orange is a color.

Pat Sloan recently did an orange retreat on her blog/FB page.

Orange is a fruit and juice.

Many cleaning supplies claim to have orange properties. Color or fruit?

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a good way to keep all the artwork together.

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page.

Creative Prompt #8: Dream

This week’s creative prompt is dream.

Day dreams.

Dreams of the future.

What did you dream last night?

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a good way to keep all the artwork together.

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page.

Creative Prompt #7: Bold

The Creative Prompt for this week is bold.

Be bold.

Act boldly.

Bold fonts.

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a good way to keep all the artwork together.

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page.

Creative Prompt #6: Air

Create a piece of art of craft, a doodle or an oil painting on the thoughts evoked by the word ‘air.’

See the Creative Prompt page if you have questions about this project.

Post the URL where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted in the comments area of this post. It is a good way to keep all the artwork together.

The Creative Prompt Page, which has been updated, has a lot of information about resources, past prompts (all in one place!!!), and reviews of other creative sites.

Swap Block

SIL and I are doing a swap with blue and white fabrics.

First Always Quilting Block
First Always Quilting Block

This is the block we are using. We didn’t have time to really organize ourselves while she was out for a brief visit a few weeks ago, so we did some organizing via email. I finally felt organized enough to make some blocks. The above block is one of the first group that I did. I plan to make two of each fabric and send one to SIL, in little batches.

Three Always Quilting Blocks
Three Always Quilting Blocks

I made the two batik ones later and will send SIL one.

The motif that the squares and rectangles make looks like some kind of knot. Since I didn’t know the name of this block, and I didn’t want to call it the Always Quilting block, I looked up the design in Barbara Brackman’s book, The Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. I couldn’t find this particular block (Barbara, won’t you please update your book with newer blocks??? Thanks.), so I found a couple that looked like they were related.

Tam's Patch, BB:1117
Tam's Patch, BB:1117

BB:1117 is called Tam’s Patch. It has two corners with the rectangle/two squares combination, but the other two corners are just plain square patches.

Squares upon Squares, BB:1104
Squares upon Squares, BB:1104

BB:1104 (page 156-157) is called Squares upon Squares from Farm Journal.

I’ll look through some other block dictionaries to see if I can find a name for it.The reality is that you change one line and you have a new block. New blocks are invented every day.

I’d love to hear if you know the name of this block, or have a creative name for it.