La Pass M16 More Pieces

Pentagons for La Pass M16
Pentagons for La Pass M16

As mentioned the other day, I had cut only enough pieces for one (of three!) Month 16 rosettes. The M16 process is taking me forever. I cut and basted at Sew Day, but I guess I didn’t make as much progress as I thought. I was cranky and irritable that day.

Or it feels like it is. The other day, I left work at 4 and started cutting and basting.

M16 Rosette #1 fussy cutting detail
M16 Rosette #1 fussy cutting detail

I used the same fussy cutting layout for the pink rosette as I did for the blue part of Rosette #1. I like how the blue one looks and hope the pink one will look similar.

I also didn’t use the snake heads for the green rosette. I used the fabric, but cut the flowers out of it and avoided the snakes. Apparently, insects are ok, but snakes are categorized with animal heads in my quiltmaking mind.

I also rearranged the colors quite a bit. One of the remaining M16 rosettes will have more spikes.

Finished M16 Rosette

La Pass: M16 Rosette #1
La Pass: M16 Rosette #1

I finally finished the first rosette for Month 16. This month feels like it is taking forever and I haven’t even started writing the New Years cards, which take up a ton of after dinner time.

I am pretty pleased with the blue parts of this rosette. As I said before, the dark blue and the turquoise batik look GREAT.

I had to cut more pieces. On Sew Day, I only cut pieces for this one section and that took up some time in the evening the other night. The next rosette is in process and I will, with luck, have a progress report soon.

More La Pass Spikes

La Pass: Month 16 Spikes in progress
La Pass: Month 16 Spikes in progress

I am working steadily on Month 16. I am in love with the changes I made to the colors. The prescribed colors were ok. Mine are fabulous. Yes, I sound prideful, but too bad. They are good.

I still tried to use as much of the fabric provided as I could. Some I just don’t like and don’t want to use fabrics I don’t like.

As mentioned before, I am adding in more turquoise to call to the large rosette from next month.

Yes, I made an error in the piecing in this rosette. I saw it when I took the photo. I’ll fix it tomorrow….or tonight.

I also have to cut the rest of the pieces for the other two rosettes. I have some of them cut, but not all.

La Pass Spikes in Month 16

La Pass: Cutting spikes
La Pass: Cutting spikes

I am really pleased that Lindsay is doing this project with me. She inspires me and I learn a lot from her knowledge.

She showed me her spike motifs a few months ago. As soon as I saw what she had done, I wanted to try it. This month is the month!

Basically, the design requires combining the fabrics in different ways to create a different look. I combined a pentagon and one of the long skinny triangles to make the largest piece. I used the dark blue Contempo fabric to really highlight the design.

La Pass: Month 16 start
La Pass: Month 16 start

I haven’t cut out all the pieces, but I had cut enough to start trying out my fabric choices and to see how the spikes would look. I also had to change a few of the fabrics. It’s ok, because I will use some of the new fabrics I chose for the last large rosette.

La Pass Month 16 Arrives

La Passacaglia month 16 fabric and supplies
La Passacaglia month 16 fabric and supplies

My month 16 BOM packet arrived the other day. I was pleased, because I had just enough time to wash the fabric before Sew Day. My plan, which has been foiled the past couple of months, was to cut and baste at Sew Day.

I was surprised at the large size of the packet that arrived. I was pleased to find that this month has a lot of fabric to use in the 3 (THREE!!!!) rosettes we have to make. They are smaller rosettes, so I am not worried. Still! THREE!!!!

La Passacaglia month 16- more fabric
La Passacaglia month 16- more fabric

As I got ready to wash the fabric, I kept finding more pieces of different designs each time I unfolded another piece.

I plan to rearrange the way the pieces are presented so I don’t know how much of the above fabric I will use.

Finished La Pass Month 17 Center Medallion

La Pass Month 17: rosette #1
La Pass Month 17: rosette #1

I am not finished yet, but I am making good progress on Month 17. The rosette with the peony center looks really good, I think.

I think the red-violet dots and the green solid look great together. They are sort of complimentary on the color wheel. I am also happy with the way the daisy fabric (in the diamonds) looks in that location. It was supposed to be the center.

Pretty La Pass

La Pass: Month 17 Peony
La Pass: Month 17 Peony

The Month 17 fabrics were pretty green, but, as I said before a blue-y green not an icky green like the other months. Those large and gorgeous peonies were part of the fabric packet and I wanted to use a whole flower, not cut them into unrecognizable blobs. Thus, I decided to use Kelly Pena’s instructions for creating a large center medallion.

Then I decided to use some red-violet to highlight some of the other colors in the flower. I love those dots and should probably buy more to make sure I don’t run out (famous last words, right?) I used some of the yardage I bought to have enough buds to cut for the alternating pentagons and am pleased with the look so far.

I am so pleased with what I cut and how it looks. I can’t wait to see it finished.

La Pass Month 17 Arrived

La Pass Month 17 fabric & supplies
La Pass Month 17 fabric & supplies

My fabric and supplies for Month 17 arrived. I like the colors even though it includes more green. This particular green is more appealing to me than the previous groupings, such as Month 7, Month 8 and Month 10. It is more of a blue-green than a yellow-green.

Note: I don’t sincerely dislike any of them; I just prefer more green in nature and less green in fabric.

For those of you keeping track, you might be wondering what happened to Month 16. Month 16 will be coming at the beginning of December. Pink Door did not receive all of the fabric for Month 16 so they switched the months. No problem for me and a quick creative solution IMO. We have to make all the rosettes anyway.

I thought that Month 17 was the last large rosette so I was disappointed that I needed to change out all of the green. I moped around for a few days, then looked at the plan and realized that (duh!) there were two rosettes and they belonged in the middle of the quilt. When there are two rosettes, they are usually on the smaller side.

Tula Pink's Moon Garden pre-order
Tula Pink’s Moon Garden pre-order

Tula’s Moon Garden fabric is included in this month’s fabric grouping. I bought some extra yardage when Pink Door offered pre-orders and that arrived this week, too. Glad it did! I wanted one particular bird from the “In a Finch” Dusk colorway (the darker green) that just wouldn’t fit. I used a bit of what I bought and everyone (me) was happy. I won’t use the owl faces as indicated. I don’t want eyes looking at me (sorry, Tula!). I may use another part of that fabric. I’ll need to look at it and see.

I like what Pink Door has planned for the centers, but I really would like to use that large flower. I am still thinking about that. Stay tuned.

More La Pass Sections Sewn

La Pass: bottom right hand corner
La Pass: bottom right hand corner

The other day I talked about sewing rosettes together. I finally finished what I was doing and I think the section looks nice.

Sewing this corner together really makes me think about how to finish the edge.

I really don’t want to cut off any of the piecing I have done, though I know that will be part of the directions. In the photo above, I can see how finishing that red butterfly rosette would look a lot better. Then what do I do with the part right above it with the white star points?

Assembling La Pass Rosettes

I am still working on assembling smaller sections of La Passacaglia. I sewed some Month 13/14 together with some Month 11 rosettes that will end up in the upper left hand corner. In May and June I sewed Month 7 to M6 and 10, so this isn’t a new phenomenon. I tend to sew various rosettes together when I am waiting for the next BOM packet to arrive. I am trying to keep the sections small, so they fit in my giant box, but it isn’t working.

Matching up rosettes
Matching up rosettes

When I sew the rosettes together, I have make sure I am matching up the rosettes properly. This picture shows that some of the star points (see the purple with the small dots?) don’t work. At a point like this, I have to decide if I am going to change out a piece or live with it.

I followed the directions, and checked back to make sure. The purple dotted star point does not properly complete the teacup star. I changed it out.

In a way, this is part of the fun even though picking out stitches isn’t that fun.

La Pass Month 15

La Pass Month 15 rosettes
La Pass Month 15 rosettes

I was able to finish the rosettes for Month 15 before the fabric for Month 16 arrived. These were not difficult and they didn’t take a long time. I am looking forward to receiving Month 16.

I am starting to think about putting the whole piece together and am considering the edges. I don’t want to cut off any of the piecing, but the rosettes on the edges are not complete. I am going to see whether I have enough fabric to complete the rosettes on the edges.

Friend Julie suggested I put solids on the edges. I could complete the rosettes using solids

La Pass Month 13/14 Plus

La Pass M13/14 + Border
La Pass M13/14 + Border

While I waited for Month 15 to arrive, I sewed some smaller rosettes to Month 13/14, which will be in the upper left hand corner of the piece.

The pieces I sewed on to the M 13/14 are the smaller sections from Month 11. Since they were so small, I thought it would be a good idea to contain them.

I am now wondering whether I really want to cut off any piecing at all. That rosette in the corner with the chartreuse center might be better off being finished.Not sure I have enough fabric to finish all the pieces that are suppose to be cut off.

Nobody, including Pink Door has said anything about finishing. My book, All Points Patchwork**, doesn’t say anything either. Tula went over it briefly in one of her videos. Otherwise, I haven’t done a lot of research, but will need to do some. We are nearing the end of the project and some decisions will have to be made.













**Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need at quilt shops, I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Cutting La Pass Month 15

La Pass M15-cut
La Pass M15-cut

The other day I mentioned that I had finally received the Month 15 kit. At the guild meeting the other day I cut out all of the pieces for Month 16. After the meeting, I basted them all as well. Fortunately, it is a light month. 

We were supposed to use a piece of the cameo for a medallion in this month’s rosette, but I decided to use a flower instead.

Now I am ready to sew.