As you may remember, this is part of a series of Bullseye quilts I am working on with JulieZS and Adrienne.
I tool Thursday off of work so that I could rest up for my quilt marathon. One of the things I did was to go and pick up my quilts from my longarmer. Passionate Purple was one of them. Now I just have to finish it. However, after looking at the quilt for a few days, I am thinking that I may take it back and get her to do some more quilting on it. It just isn’t flat enough for my tastes. I don ‘t mean flat as in I pieced it badly and it pooches. I mean flat as in the quilt is quilted within and inch of its life and there is no pooching from unquilted areas.

Here is a little of back. Perhaps you can see how much unquilted space there is?

Here is the full piece. I don’t think you can see the quilting at all in this picture.
I am struggling a bit with my camera lately and am hoping it will not die.
Can you please put the quilting word definition for pooches? I think they are two others that need to go up as well through my exhaustion i do not remember them.
I’ll put it on the list, if I can find my list.
What kind of batting is in it? Will it shrink and make the quilt look different after washing?
I like to quilt my quilts heavily, but that is just me. I can see this one going either way.
btw, I talked about you on my blog a tiny bit today 😀
Love purples….and curvy designs!!! Who’s the lucky recipient of this quilt?
Warm and White, I think is the batting. I never wash my quilts, so that doesn’t matter. I like my quilts densely quilted and this one just looks too poochy to me.
Poochy, poochie, poo. Yep, more quilting. But the design is fabulous. Reminds me I’ve still got to get mine together so we can do another bullseye swap.