I made these journal covers in November and December, but didn’t get a chance to post them.
TFQ told me that she made journal covers for all of her journals. I got tired of using the blue one, so I made a quick one (the b/w dot) and thought I would just transfer that cover to each new journal. I tired of that plain cover very quickly. It showed me why piecing a journal cover is important: the piecing adds visual interest. I left the b/w dots on the journal for which I made it after I wrote the last page and made yet another journal cover with the Anna Maria Horner Innocent Crush Grape. I don’t love/adore that fabric, but there is something about it I like. It is also a more complex and, thus, a more interesting fabric than the dots.
I think I will see about making a new cover for each new journal I start. I don’t know if I will piece the next one. I have plenty of fabric and can make a journal cover in a half an hour if I don’t piece it. On the other hand, pieced covers are more interesting and I could piece bits together as leaders and enders. My scrap basket is starting to overflow and I need to do something with the scraps. Stay tuned.
Keep in mind, I am only barely awake right now…but I have a question, actually several. When you say journal covers, are you talking about a three ring binder that you cover with a bit of fabric that has pockets that go over the two edges to hold the cover on, or????? For some reason, I am not ‘getting’ what type of journals are being covered, how big or small they are, and how the fabric is attached. Explain to this poor old brain please? 😀
Ok, never mind, I went and looked at some of the links and saw the spiral notebook.
This technique works for any kind of notebook or journal. I have a post coming about making one for one of those black sketchbooks. I’ll get it posted soon. I think the confusing part is that I assume you will click on some of the links and I don’t have to repeat the same information. Perhaps I’ll have to rethink that assumption?
I think that journal cover is the best use I’ve seen so far for that Innocent Crush fabric. I like it best in small doses.
I do like the color of the Innocent Crush grape better than the others in the line. It is also large and that limits it usability.