Weeks writes: “Share your work – volunteering to organize a quilting day to make quilts for your favorite charity, offer to give a lecture on your work at your aunt’s retirement community – you needn’t be famous or have written a book to share your quilts with others”
I was listening to a podcast the other day (Frances??) and the hostess said that a town near her had a Quilting Day. They had for years and it consisted of people working together on projects. Quiltmakers went to the local hgh school and worked with the kids on quilts. I love this idea because there is so much to share in quiltmaking – the camaraderie, math, love of fabric, the feeling of making something that will bring someone joy, whether your own family for friend or someone you don’t know.
This blog is all about sharing. While I write the blog for myself to keep track of my projects and progress, I have come to enjoy the comments and back and forth with readers. This has really become a venue for me to share. I like posting the tutorials. Well, I like posting the tutorials. Writing them can be a chore! I like sharing what I know and my opinions about quiltmaking.
I don’t like people stealing my content or my photos. That is the NOT FUN part of sharing. It is also a little sad when I don’t receive comments on a post or several, but I remind myself that I am writing this for me. It is a good exercise in not seeking attention.
I think there are a lot of different ways to share. Like Weeks says above, you can organize a quilting day, but you can also write a tutorial or help a friend to make some quilted placemats. I think that if we share, even just the project we are working on Flickr, then the community is richer for your contribution.