Various & Sundry 2013 #4

I am pretty excited that we have 19 people following via email! Thanks, email readers.

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Color and Projects

Wanda, over at the Exuberant Color blog, put up her March finishes at the end of March. One that I loved was her Japanese X quilt. As you remember, I have one quarter of one of those blocks in my A-B-C Challenge quilt. I saw a pillow that Kathleen made (talked more about this back in August 2012) and do want to make a larger piece with this pattern. Wanda’s version is GREAT. It truly has  exuberant color.

Take a look at the results of the March-a-Long that Darla, the Scientific Quilter organized. Lots of people participated and I think a lot of people made progress on their projects. Thanks to Darla for spearheading this effort and for thinking up a clever name.

Color confidence and Kaffe Fassett .


The City Quilter had to deal a change to the program in the PBS schedule: Visit on your computer. This is one part of one episode of the excellent New York Originals public television series.

An excellent blog pointed me to this interesting video about Nancy Page, go here: I promised to keep her secret blog secret, so I can’t tell you where I got the tip, but go look at the video, if you have any interest in 1930s quilts or just not making dinner, not bathing children or not going to the grocery store. You are busy watching a QUILT video for heaven’s sake! 😉

CraftyGardenMom talks about quilt shops in recent blog post and follows up with more information about more quilts in a future podcast (as of this writing).

Supplies, Fabric and Notions

Quilt Bear April Club
Quilt Bear April Club

The Quilt Bear Aurifil Club sent me this variegated coral and yellow spools this month. I have them both already, but still enjoyed the little treat. Aren’t they nicely tied?

Rhonda brought an iron caddy that she made with the Madrona Road fabrics to the last meeting. I really liked the shape and thought it would be a good purse shape, or purse pattern. I was too lazy to try and find as I probably won’t make it. Today I was noodling around the BAMQG forum and Amanda posted a link to the site where a person (AHEM) could buy the pattern. It is by Kaye Wood and you can see the shape. The examples are not as cute as Rhonda’s caddy.

As you know, I bought some Soft & Stable from to make the Petrillo Bag. I was tidying up my workroom the other day and looked at the brochure that came with the Soft & Stable. In it, the writer of the materials details the variety of zippers they company has. When I went to buy the zipper for the Petrillo Bag, I wanted pink to make the inside, but all they had was a boring baby pink, so I ended up with a boring cream color. This brochure shows fabulous colors like turquoise, eggplant and seagrass. Sadly, they didn’t have the right length, but at least I know I can get cool zippers if I need one in a 24″ length. Now I just need to find some cool 9″ zippers. Well, maybe one additional 9″ zipper.