I guess I am on kind of a star kick. I am showing you MORE stars, after all.
Aren’t the colors pretty? I think they go together well.
This is the miniscule amount of English Paper Piecing I was able to do while we were out with the Natives. I was only able to piece in the car and it was just a 4 hour drive each way.
I thought I would have scads of time sitting by the pool to work on this project, but nope. I was too busy smiling, shaking hands with DH’s constituents to bring this project out. I think I will have a goal of getting it done by the time he ends his term as Grand President in 2017. It will be my political project. Perhaps I’ll have enough for a table runner?
Yes, they are pretty together. So it takes 8 hours to piece and assemble 3 of them?
UGH! You make it sound so tedious. I guess so, but that doesn’t count the time I was staring out the window or fussing with the iPod or talking to DH. I had to prep the pieces as well. That means I cut, from a 4″x19″ piece of fabric, the smaller pieces needed to wrap around the papers. I also didn’t work on them the last half hour or so of the trip. It is all handwork and does take time.
Looks great! What size paper pieces are you using?
1.25″ half hexagons. I get the papers from Paper Pieces – paperpieces.com. My friend showed me a way that I can use the papers over and over.
Great. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to order some half hexagons with my next Paper Pieces order. I love getting supplies from them.
They have a very helpful customer service department, too.
Lol! Something tells me if you put your mind to it you could make a king size quilt of this design if you wanted to 😉
Well, depending on how many trips I take with DH, this piece may end up king sized. Alternatively, I may get sick of it and make a table mat.
The colors are great, however8 hours to complete….oh my. ;(
What do you do in the car? I need something to take my mind off other people driving.
I know you have posted other times about this paper pieced star. I’m not finding it in my search.
Try this link: https://artquiltmaker.com/blog/tag/hand-piecing/
try this link: https://artquiltmaker.com/blog/tag/english-paper-piecing/
LOL that’s a great goal even though I started my Grandmother’s flower garden quilt in 2002 :))
Process! this project (and your GFG) is all about process.
I know! It was my vacation to-go project for years! Now I know how I’ll finish it so I’ll just have to get myself to basting it and start quilting.
Everything in its time.