Miss Muffet’s Tuffet

I am not Miss Muffet, but I am making a tuffet. As I mentioned, I have wanted to make one for a long time. I took the class at Scruffy Quilts and had a great time. The teacher, Robin Koenig, of West Coast Tuffets, was excellent. She was funny and helpful and engaging. She didn’t patronize us and she wasn’t a ditz.

The class is four hours, 2 sessions. The first session was last Thursday. We had to cut strips in advance (or buy a jelly roll), so we were ready to make the pattern and sew when we got to class. The patterns were a bit of a pain to make, but Robin had the templates ready, so we had to trace and cut. I was able to sew two sections out of eight, an accomplishment of which I was very pleased.

Tuffet, 2 sections
Tuffet, 2 sections

I got so much done, because I used 3″ strips, which meant that each section only required 4 strips. My fellow students used jelly roll strips and their sections required at least 6 strips per section so they had a lot more work to do.

The next class is in two weeks. I need to have all eight sections finished. I also want to make the button that covers the center.

I can’t wait to go back!


Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

10 thoughts on “Miss Muffet’s Tuffet”

  1. Great fabric choices! Looks good so far…using wider pieces was a brilliant move! I agree with Cheryl; hoping you’ll bring it to show ‘n tell!

  2. Jaye,
    A friend of mine just sent me the link to your blog post. Wow….that made my day!
    Thanks for your kind words…..and I didn’t even have to pay you very much 😉
    See you Thursday. Can’t wait to see your cover!

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