As if I didn’t have enough piecing to do on En Provence, I had to spend some time un-piecing and re-piecing. It happens, I know, but I was pretty annoyed with myself when I realized my error.

The alternate blocks that are on the interior of the quilt have a half square triangle at each corner to keep the chain that zigzags across the quilt whole.
Does that block look like it has four HSTs? One at each corner?
The question, then, became could I live with the error or did I need to unpick?
One consideration was that I had already sewed that block into the quilt. If I could live with it, I could save a lot time. However, the block was only sewn on two sides, so I wouldn’t have to rip apart much of the quilt.

However, I noticed it because the chain was broken, so clearly the error was noticeable.
Also, I would be short of four patches.

I decided I couldn’t live with it and fixed it. I am happier now.