Windmill Starts

Along time ago, Friend Julie and I started cutting Windmill shapes for each other. It’s possible that the last time I posted about this project was in 2012. Last weekend, I decided that it was time to sew them together. This project is coming off the Hunting and Gathering list.

Windmill first sewn blocks - layout 1
Windmill first sewn blocks – layout 1

The blades sew together very quickly once I got the placement correct.

My first layout, shown left, was kind of a wonky looking zigzag. I was starting to change the layout to the one shown below, so the upper right hand corner blocks are in a different layout. Check the bottom. 😉

The zigzag layout has its charms. Then I texted Friend Julie and she called the pieces blades, so I started thinking about them in a kind of fan format.

Windmill first sewn blocks - layout 2
Windmill first sewn blocks – layout 2

I rearranged the blocks into that format. I am not sure about this quilt in general. I think I might need to use all warm colors or all reds and pinks or something. I think both layouts look strange.

At some point, I decided to cut background fabrics, so that the foreground blades would be highlighted. The idea works; I am just not sure if I like the whole effect.

Also, I have a lot of these blades. I think I can make at least two quilts.