In case you didn’t notice, I just got back from a work trip to Switzerland and a side trip to visit friends in Austria. It sounds glamorous and it is exciting to say I went to work in Switzerland for two weeks. It is hard work, though, being in another location. I am so happy to be home, even though I was happy to meet my team mates in person for the first time. I am also happy I got to see some friends that I haven’t seen since 2016.

I prepared most of the posts for April 28-May 18 in advance, so you wouldn’t notice that I was gone.
This trip, I took more videos than I have in the past and used the panorama photo function more than I have previously. The views were even more dramatic this time than in the past. Or I don’t remember them being this dramatic.

There was quite a bit of rain while I was there and the clouds created most of the drama. The rain means that the landscape is really green, which I love.
I got to see friends, I was able to visit Basel, a new city to me and see some dramatic cityscapes. I also got to take several train trips, which I like. I moved around a lot, which is exhausting and it made me realize I need a lighter suitcase. My suitcase has been a workhorse, but it is getting too much for me to haul around, mostly because it is somewhat heavy even empty.

The worst part of the trip was that I didn’t bring any handwork. HUGE mistake that I will not make again.
Anyway, it was a great trip, but I am glad to be home.