A few Sew Days ago, I cut out another Knitting Needles Bag. This will be a gift for a friend who is a great knitter.
I used the Tinberry/ ZaudalCreates pattern that I discussed before. If you want to buy this pattern, make sure you get the bundle. It is easy to miss.
I used the Joel Dewberry poppy fabric in canvas from several years ago. I got a lot of nice comments on the fabric.
Yesterday, I got out all the pieces and worked on it. I need to get it done as someone has volunteered to take a package to Austria and mail it for me. This saves on postage.
I made good progress and have the inside piece with the pockets made. I should be able to finish soon
It was helpful to have the first one I made handy so I could see what the end result looked like. I often wonder how I made the first one when I read pattern directions. 😉
I also used the video, which I noticed had time markers with links in the description. Very useful!