Hooray, I finished the 2-in-1 Case (#4)!
I am pleased with how it looks. I like the fussy cutting of the flower fabric (I bought that flower fabric at the Quilt Loft). It is sweet looking, though not modern at all.
I am a sucker for striped binding. I think it works. I think black and white would have been classic, but too much of a contrast with the flowers.
The magnetic snap is gold. I am not sure why I had a gold one. I don’t usually buy gold, but the brand was one carried by Joann, so maybe I bought it there on ‘spec?
I was able to line up the stripes pretty well on the snap tab. Honestly, it was a happy accident. 😉
The inside looks pretty good as well, though the contrast between the outside (sweet and flowery) and the inside (modern) is very obvious. At least the user can’t see the flowers when the case is open.
I am looking forward to seeing the last two. The photo below shows the ones I have so far.
Joelle made the red version. Cyndi contributed the blue example in the center and mine is on the right. They look so different!