Orange You Glad on Exhibit

Orange You Glad on display
Orange You Glad on display

In addition to Women’s Work 1, Orange You Glad was also in an art exhibit.

Yes, an art exhibit not a quilt exhibit.

My work had a “[name of company]’s Got Talent”. It was mostly performances, but there was also an art show on the side and I entered Orange You Glad.

Orange You Glad & me
Orange You Glad & me

They didn’t know how to display quilts, so I had to give them a lesson and bring a curtain rod, but the art handlers flung the quilts over plinths and that’s how they were displayed. It worked out ok.


Orange You Glad with tape :(
Orange You Glad with tape 🙁

I was kind of shocked when I saw that they had taped – yes Scotch taped! – the label to my quilt!!!

Clearly they were professional curators and it was only a few hours, so I didn’t worry about it too much, but it was still kind of shocking.

I had never seen a quilt on a plinth (pillar?) before, so that was an interesting experience. I thought it looked ok, though the border I sewed was completely lost.

Orange You Glad at work
Orange You Glad at work

I was glad to have the opportunity to have another quilt on display with paintings, wood carvings and other works.