Sun Hat Possibility

Some time ago, I talked about making a hat or some hats. I wrote

“I decided to make a hat for a trip we are taking in the summer. That meant going to the web and searching for different hat patterns. One pattern is from Spruce Crafts. It has a very large brim, which I like. Another is from Heather Handmade. This is also a pattern with a large brim. It also shows you how to measure your head and provides a few different sizes of hats. I also found one from Apple Green Cottage. It comes in 5 sizes and it’s free. The pattern says that the brim is just the perfect size for keeping the face from direct sun, however it looks a little small to me. “

The trip was cancelled and I never got around to making the hat(s). I haven’t traveled in the summer in a long time. I prefer to travel in the winter, except for bad roads, or in the Autumn. The crowds are gone and the weather isn’t too hot for my ‘living in the fog’ body. On my recent trip to Portland and back, I could have really used a packable hat – one I can keep in my suitcase for when I need one.

Sun hat fabric
Sun hat fabric

I am determined to use some of the fabric and supplies I bought, so I want to use the yellow Philip Jacobs fabric to try one of the patterns I wrote about. Of course, they may no longer be available, but we will see.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

2 thoughts on “Sun Hat Possibility”

  1. Interesting post! I’ve made hats for our renfaire costumes. If a good stabilizer is needed, I really liked Buckram for that. I used it for the brims and it worked very well for that. DO check to see if it would work for you if you need to wash it. I don’t know if it is washable without losing its stiffness. That’s a lovely print! Very fresh looking!

    1. Thanks for the tip on Buckram. I want this hat to be packable so I can just keep it in my suitcase, so I will experiment a little bit. I have several different types of interfacing I can layer together.

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