Lil Sissy Enigma Bag

Paris Enigma Bag
Paris Enigma Bag

This is Enigma #5. I do like this pattern! I like the way it looks and how functional it is.

You don’t get to see the all the steps, because I have so much to write about and so much to sew that I am just posting the completed bag now.

Paris Enigma Bag - bottom
Paris Enigma Bag – bottom

Lil Sissy was admiring my Peony Enigma bag when she visited us in Portland. She didn’t ask for one, but I decided to make her one any way. Her birthday was July 26, so I had about a week to make it when I returned. I had a week or so in between everything else – niece’s wedding, YM visiting, etc.

I had to quilt the bottom and I am never happy about quilting, but I am pleased with how this quilting came out.

Paris Enigma Bag - interior bottom
Paris Enigma Bag – interior bottom

I used the same fabric I used for the Disco Double Zip pouch and the Percheron Pouch. This is great fabric for my sister as she loves Paris.

I made two of these at the same time. You will see the other one later. Making the same bag multiple times makes them go together faster, but also means I can pay attention to the details. I was able to select which side panel would work for the top and which would be better for the front without a lot of drama. Since I knew what to expect, I could think about the finer details.

Paris Enigma Bag - zipper end
Paris Enigma Bag – zipper end

I also found a good place for my label and was able to add it in the course of making the inside pocket.

The zipper end was a pain, but ending up coming out well.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.