Finished: Ends n.18

Ends n.18 donation top: finished
Ends n.18 donation top: finished

I was able to finish Ends n.18 over the Labor Day Weekend. DH was out and about participating in various activities, so I had time to concentrate on clearing up projects that were hanging around.

I know Labor Day was a long time ago, but things are busy and I am sewing quite a bit.

Didn’t have quite enough of the grey dots for the background, so I added in a solid grey that has been hanging around for a long time. I have quite a bit of various background fabrics, so I just decided to add it in. The quilt top is about 48×48 inches, which is a nice size.

The back is very much off balance. I thought of putting the scrappy bit in the center, but couldn’t be bothered taking more time on it. It looks kind of cool as is.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.