I revisited my Christmas pillowcase gifts after seeing some on SIL#4’s bed on Christmas Eve. It occurred to me that there are a few new spouses/SOs for whom I had not made pillowcases. Nobody will know that they don’t have them, but it is only fair, especially if they see their spouse has one.
My tally was in a post from 2015 and there are a lot of new additions to the family, mostly spouses, but a few kids as well. The original tally was confusing, so I have rewritten it.
- SIL#1: Total: 4 kids, 4 spouses/SOs, 4 grandchildren
- Oldest son (3rd oldest nephew) + SO – DONE
- 2 kids/grandchildren – need 2
- grandkids Mom – need 1
- Oldest daughter (Oldest niece + SO) – DONE
- 2 kids/grandchildren – need 2
- 2d son (not sure where he falls in the overall family order) + spouse – DONE
- Youngest niece + SO – 1 DONE, need 1
- Oldest son (3rd oldest nephew) + SO – DONE
TOTAL needed for oldest SIL’s family: 6
- SIL#2: 3 kids, 2 spouses/SO, 2 great niece-phews
- Oldest son (Oldest nephew) + spouse + 2 kids – DONE
- 2d oldest son (2d oldest nephew)- DONE
- 3rd son (middle of the pack nephew) + SO – 1 DONE, need 1
TOTAL needed for 2d oldest SIL’s family: 1
- BIL #1: Spouse, 1 kid
- Oldest son (3rd youngest nephew) – DONE
TOTAL needed for oldest BIL’s family: 0
- SIL#3: 2 kids
- Oldest daughter (Middle niece) + spouse – 1 DONE, need 1
- Youngest son (middle of the pack nephew) – DONE
TOTAL needed for youngest SIL’s family: 1
- BIL #2: 2 kids
- 2d youngest nephew – DONE
- Youngest nephew- DONE
TOTAL needed for youngest BIL’s family: 0
Overall total needed: 8
Well, that’s at least 8 yards of fabric I can use up right away in 2025. I need to check to see what Christmas fabric I have in case I need to get some on sale. I hope I have enough.