I did the One World One Heart blog round robin thing, as you probably noticed, back in February. I had hoped that people would take some time with their comments, and join the CPP. I see a lot of new readers, but not many commentors and no new CPP participants. That is ok with me as I write the blog for other reasons that for readers. I just love it when I get comments. I also love it when people post their creative prompt responses.
So, here is my latest scheme to get some participants in the CPP: a giveaway. Yes, I am going to be giving away some SILK.
I am giving away luscious silks from a tie factory that used to be near me. I have about 15 bundles of approximately 10-20 10″ squares and I am giving them all away. There are rules, oh yes, but I am giving them all away and I have a bin full of them. What I will do is keep track of who complies with the rules and if only one person follows the rules then one person gets the whole big box of silk.
Notes on the silk: it frays a lot; one of the bundles will be one square short, because I used a piece for the Petal Apron. The patterns are all subtle and color coordinated within the bundles.
1. To get an entry you must leave a substantive comment. It may not say “please enter me in your giveaway.” You can say that, but you won’t get entered. I am the arbiter of substantive, but it basically means, read a post and comment or ask questions about what I wrote. Let’s have a conversation!
2. To get TWO entries or TWO additional entries you must create a CPP response starting with last Friday’s Prompt. Follow the CPP guidelines to post your link.
3. If you want to leave a comment on this post telling me your thoughts on silk squares or what you would do with them, you will get an entry, too.
4. No whining or snarky comments!
5. You can enter as many times as you want.
6. I reserve the right to change the rules at any time.
Don’t get your hopes up that I will be dong a giveaway every week, because I don’t plan on it. I am not ruling out future giveaways, but they are not a goal. As a result, this may be your only opportunity, so join in!
Just to be fair, not only do I want to be the first poster, but since I don’t want to win and want a new person to win, PLEASE ENTER ME IN YOUR CONTEST!
Feel free to un-post this if it is too confusing. 😀
Your comments are posting again! I guess my blog is trying to keep your life interesting. You are definitely entered!
And you are definitely confusing me.
I feel your pain about blog comments. People tell me all the time that they are reading mine… and even send me email… but a public comment, no way.
I haven’t been doing the CPP, mostly because I don’t have the time. I am barely finding time to do any sewing (preparing to move) let alone draw or journal.
BTW- I’d love to win a bundle of the silks!!! I have been getting involved doing some small ‘ARTY’ stuff with an online group.
Beth-Near Chicago
Hi Beth,
Thanks for reading and commenting! What is your blog address? I would like to take a look. I have been trying to be better about leaving a kind word for people, especially those who aren’t getting many comments. I know how it brightens my day and it is an easy way to spread some joy.
Hope your move goes well. The CPP responses don’t have to be difficult or complicated. Take a photo with your cell phone as you are heading to work. Make a little scribble. Give yourself 5 minutes. I am just trying to encourage developing a creative habit.
Well now, I changed my link to your blog on my blog, and lo! and behold, you have new posts! Who knew? I’m glad I chose today to make the fix and stop by for a visit. It would be way cool to win a pack of silks! I’ve got to check out this other creative thing you’ve got even though this headache might hamper any ideas on my part.
also on Quiltnet
Hi Anne,
Hope you are feeling better and have been able to look around the blog and check things out. I have been trying to find people who have kindly linked to my blog to let them know about my new URL. It is a challenge, though! Glad I found you and you stopped in to say hi.
I lurk and enjoy reading your blog but I seldom comment. I especially like the posts where you generously share your creative process with us. Your book reviews are fun to read.
I have been looking for some silk scraps for a piece I am calling “Silicon Valley Spring” It is part of a Three Seasons in Silicon Valley triptych I am designing. I have not come up with a good idea to represent fall, so my Silicon Valley year has only three seasons. Please enter me in your contest.
Hi Reva,
Glad you are reading. Thanks for letting me know what you like about the blog. I like thinking and writing about my creative process, so we are in sync.
Did the tie factory move or just shut down completely? I am always to chicken to go to a place closing down to see what they need to sell but you have certainly inspired me to at least go see if I can salvage any fabric for my crafts. CPP is completely new to me but such a good idea, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
They used to give away samples in general. Recently they weren’t there anymore. I think they moved, but I really don’t know. I hope you try out the CPP. Your response doesn’t have to be complicated! The idea is to get you working creatively.
I would love to make a small blanket for a girl I know who has WAGR syndrome. She is fascinated my shiny soft material and often runs it through her fingers. Possibly even a small headband for her crazy hair though I have a feeling she would just pull it off and start feeling it!
Hi Laura, Thanks for commenting and reading. What a great idea! My mom once made a quilt with all different feeling fabrics for a tactile baby. It was a big hit with the parents, too.
Sorry for the confusion dear. I don’t know if it is me or you that is the more confuzzled. lol
BUT what I was saying was, that despite the fact that I posted a link to this on my blog, I do NOT want to be entered in the contest. I want to give newbies a better change. Besides I always post on here anyway. 😀
OK. I am less confused now. Are you sure you don’t want to be entered?
Sweetie, you can enter me if you want. I would NEVER turn down fabric of any type. 😀 I just truly didn’t want to be a blog hog and wanted those who don’t post as much to have a better chance. Or (insert southern drawl)’sumpin’ like that right there’
Okay so if Sherri really doesn’t want to win……..then when you put her name in the draw just spell it Quilt Rat 🙂 Have no idea what I would do with those silks but oh my I am sure I could come up with something.
I saw that! YOU RAT!!! lol